8. F.L.O.R.A.

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Jasmine's event planner profession was, of course, nothing more than a cover, and so was the company where she worked. The office was located on the topmost floor of an incomplete building in the outskirts of Stamford, Connecticut. The first ten floors of the building were disguised to look abandoned, complete with windowless spaces, large expanses of dust and concrete and inoperative elevators. The only way you could get in was if you worked there yourself, and even then, the protocol was extensive. In this unique line of work, covertness was key.

Under company rules, operatives had to return to headquarters at least forty-eight hours after the completion of an assignment. Failing to comply meant that the agent was deemed to have gone A.W.O.L. After seventy-two hours without reply, a bounty is placed on the agent's head. The chances of survival of said agent after that were slim to none. Jasmine however, had plans to remain alive and in one piece and so returned on time before anyone got too curious about her whereabouts.

Walking through the automatic glass doors of the state-of-the-art command center, she stopped briefly to take in a deep, content breath. No other place on earth made her feel this in control, or made her feel like her life had some sort of meaning. F.L.O.R.A. was her home, and nothing was going to change that.

Her colleagues at the Female League of Revolutionary Assassins were some of the most beautiful, smartest and the most bad-ass women in the business. They were recruited from all around the world and from all walks of life. Like Jasmine, they had all been subjected to years of tortuous training in numerous disciplines, including the many forms of combat, weaponry and espionage. But each agent had their levels and areas of expertise.

Like Lotus, for one. The Asian beauty was one of the older and more experienced of the bunch. Swords, knives, everything involving blades were her proficiency. She learned them all through her childhood from her father, who served as Triad boss for many years. Her knife work was so stellar that she could use them to block bullets.

Then there was Petunia, arguably the deadliest of them all, both on and off-duty. Nobody messed with the Mexican who was known for her hotheadedness as well as her uncanny flexibility. She could climb anything with ease and could squeeze through the most impossible of places. She was responsible for the unsolved mystery of the assassination of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, initially believed to have died in his sleep earlier in the year. Petunia had crept in and out of his fireplace without making a sound.

There were a few other standouts; Lavender from Qatar, Amaryllis from South Africa and Freesia and Fuschia, the twins from Haiti, who never carried out an assignment separately. All of them were eclectic; all of them highly trained and highly capable; all of them extremely lethal.

"There she is," a petite young woman with bright red hair was the first to greet her. "How's my favorite assassin in the world?"

Jasmine returned the woman's smile. "Rosie Rose, my love. How are you doing?"

"Same old, same old. I heard you killed it in Mexico," the woman known as Rose said, walking with her into the heart of their command center.

 I heard you killed it in Mexico," the woman known as Rose said, walking with her into the heart of their command center

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