The Six Figures In The Darkness

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'Lilly's POV'

It's been about a week since Jay and Nya's wedding. They seem to be really happy together. Nya is due to have her baby in 6 months, everyone is really excited for the birth of the little one.

I wake up with to a scream, it comes from the guys' room. I jump out of bed and rush over, only to find Jay, Kai, Cole and Zane huddled around Lloyd, who is curled up in the corner

"What happened?" I ask, slowly walking over

"Lloyd was having nightmares" Cole answers. I look at Lloyd, he looks terrified; his eyes are glossed over, tear marks run down his cheeks and his hair is in a mess

"Where's Felix?!" Lloyd jumps up and races past us. We follow him into Felix's room. Lloyd looks at the small boy, asleep in his bed

"What happened?" Nya asks, rubbing her eye with the back of her hand. Misako, Garmadon and Sensei walk out with her

"We heard the commotion, what happened?" Sensei asks

"Lloyd was having nightmares" Kai begins

"We woke him up and he flew to the corner" Jay continues

"And when we tried to ask him what was wrong, he raced to Felix" I end

"Lloyd, what did you dream about?" Garmadon asks, Lloyd looks to us

"I... I dreamt about these six figures standing in complete darkness... They kept saying "we will get the boy" over and over. I assumed that by 'the boy', they meant Felix..." He looks back to Felix

"What? Who could these 'six figures' be?" Kai asks

"And why would they want to capture Felix, he is only a child" Zane adds

"I'm not sure, but if there is any threat we will find out about it" Sensei Wu says calmly

"Sensei, we need to find somewhere to hide if there is a threat" Kai points out

"Yeah, a floating ship isn't very stealthy" Lloyd adds

"You can stay with us, there is lots of room, even for the baby" Misako smiles

"Yes, there is plenty of room, the house is quite big for just the two of us, we'd love if you'd stay with us" Garmadon adds, also smiling

"So it's settled, we'll be living with my brother until we find out more about this 'threat'" Sensei speaks

I hear Felix move around in his bed and look to him. He sits up and rubs his eyes "why are you all in my room?" Asks the tired boy

"We we're just discussing how we will be staying with my brother" Sensei smiles at the small boy

"In my bedroom?" Felix questions

"Yeah, uh..." I look for an excuse

"Jay was going to wake you up and tell you!" Lloyd buts in

"Wha-" Jay begins to deny it, but Cole slaps a hand over his mouth "And we stopped him!" Cole shouts, Felix cocks his head to the side in confusion and suspicion

"Do not worry Felix, we will be leaving now" Zane ruffles Felix's hair

"Yes we will, to bed ninja" Sensei says

"Goodnight Felix"


We walk out of his room and into our own rooms. Jay and Nya go to theirs, the others go to theirs and I go to mine. I fall asleep quickly...

-In the Morning-

I wake up to feel someone small shaking my shoulder

"Illy, are you awake?" Felix asks. I continue to pretend to sleep

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