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'Lloyd's POV'

After that night we had to go home, I went to see Lilly every day with Felix, Nya and Cole. Felix was so happy to see her again...

Two days before her release I bought a ring... I haven't told anyone about what I plan on doing yet, but I'm sure they'll find out one way or another.

Today is the day of Lilly's release. She was in the hospital for three weeks while her wound healed. Its still not completely healed, but enough for her to begin walking again.

Felix, Nya, the twins, Cole and I stand in the waiting room. Eventually we see Lilly talking to a doctor, she looks afraid....

'Lilly's POV'

"Lilly, it is amazing that you've been able to live through all of this... You must be careful though, your side will still be tender for a few months." the doctor tells me

"Alright" I turn and smile when I see Nya, Lloyd, Cole, Felix and the twins waiting for me

"Illy!" Felix runs to me and hugs my leg

"Hey Felix" I pat his head, not able to pick him up yet

Both Nya and Cole hug me tightly

"I'm glad you're coming home" Nya smiles

"We all are" Cole adds

"Illy!" Gwen and Jackson exclaim at the same time

"Hi guys" I laugh a little.

They get me back to the monastery, that's when I notice that Lloyd looks nervous. I stop him before we go inside

"Lloyd, what's wrong? You've been acting weird ever since we left the hospital?" I question him

'Lloyd's POV'

Oh no! What do I do?! What do I say?!

I begin to panic

"Uh, L-Lilly...." I begin stuttering

"Yes?" She smiles at me

I fumble with the box and get down on one knee. Her eyes widen "Lilly, would you make me the happiest man on earth and do me the honour of becoming my wife?" I ask

'Lilly's POV'

He looks so adorable, his cheeks are tinted red and his eyes are big and round

"Yes! Of course I will Lloyd!" He hugs me and smashes his lips to mine. I smile into the kiss. He blindly puts the ring onto my finger

"Congrats" I hear from behind me. We break away and I see Kai standing at the door, smirking. "Hey guys! Come here!" He calls

In seconds everyone is at the door, looking at me, and the ring that now occupies my ring finger

"We're getting married" I smile nervously

"Lilly! Congratulations!" Nya runs over and hugs me

"I wish you luck, son" Garmadon pats Lloyd on the back

"You're, what?" Felix asks, walking towards me

"We're going to get married Felix." I look to Lloyd, asking his permission. He nods "then, after we get married, we'd like to adopt you as our son. What do you think?" I ask

"You'd be my parents?" He asks

"Yes, would that be alright?" Lloyd holds me around my waist

"I would love that! I can't wait to become a real family!" He hugs us as he speaks. When he pulls back he looks like he's thinking, Nya asks the question before I can

"What are you thinking about Felix?" She asks

"Uh... Will I ever get any siblings?" He asks innocently. Lloyd's grip becomes slightly tighter and I feel him tense up. I blush a little

"Yeah, will he ever have any siblings?" Jay smirks. my cheeks go even redder as the other chuckle a little

"Jay! You aren't helping!" Lloyd shouts

"I do not believe he was trying to be of any help..." Zane says

"So, will I?" Felix asks again

"In time, Felix" Lloyd answers. As we begin to walk inside Garmadon and Misako stop Lloyd and I

"Lloyd, Lilly, we wish you the best of luck" Misako smiles and hugs us both

"Thank you" I nod my head and continue walking with Lloyd.

We tuck Felix in together, something I don't think we've ever done before.

After closing the door I turn to Lloyd. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him

"Thank you, for everything" I whisper

"Lilly... thank you too..." He whispers back

We hug quietly, enjoying each other's silent company and warmth.

When we break away I smile slightly

"Goodnight Lloyd"

"Goodnight Lilly"

And with that we part ways. I change slowly and carefully. I then crawl into bed

It's so nice to be home...

With that thought I fall deeply into sleep.

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