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'Jays pov'

'Today is the day, I'm gonna do it I'm gonna propose to Nya' I think walking to the kitchen.

'Lilly's pov'

"Nya!!!Wake up!!!" I yell at Nya "what?" she asks "come on its chores day today at my dad's house!!" I yell because we are late to be assigned chores "Sensei is going to kill us for being late!get up!!!" I yell shaking her "ok, I'm up, you definitely are Lloyd's perfect match" she teases me "oh shush" I say and she gets dressed and we run to the kitchen

"Lilly and Nya nice of you too show up" Sensei says "sorry" we say hanging our heads "as you all know today is our last day staying at Lou's house, so you all have your chores get going" Sensei says and the others leave "you two will be washing the floors" Sensei says and hands us two tooth brushes "what!?Sensei I'm going to be thirty by the time we finish!" I exclaim "well than you better get started" he walks out

"Sorry" Nya says getting started "no, I couldn't let you be late alone" I say "your the best" she says "I know" I say and we both laugh, a little after we start I see Jay "umm Nya" Jay says standing in the door frame "I'll give you two some privacy" I say walking out of the kitchen "guys what was that all about?" I ask "Jays going to prepose to Nya" Cole says "really tha-mumph" Lloyd slaps his hand over my mouth "quiet" he says "sorry" I say prying his hand off of my mouth.

'Nya's pov'

Jay gets down on one knee and holds open a velvet box "Nya I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me" he says "Jay!yes!YES!! a thousand times yes!!!" I yell jumping into his arms with tears running down my cheeks

"Nya!!!" Lilly yells and I run over to her and hug her "you are my maid of honour!" I yell "ya!!" she screams "congratulations" Misako says to me and Lilly walks over to Jay "if you hurt her I will have a shovel waiting to whack you with" she says "Wow I alwayse thought that Kai would be the first one to say that to me" Jay laughs.

'Lilly's pov'

"Nya tomorrow we go looking for your wedding dress" I say "don't forget your maid of honour dress" she says "what are your colours?" I ask "I think purple maybe" Nya says "ya because blue and red makes purple" I think out loud "ya" Lloyd says.

Later that night

"Bye dad" I say hugging him "goodbye my deer" he says and I get on the Bounty, we take off and wave goodbye.

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