The Saviours Charm

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'Lilly's POV'

After my father's death, everything that he and my mother owned, now belonged to Cole and I. During the week before his funeral, Cole and I went to his house to gather everything that we wanted to keep, we then put the house up for sale.

Some of the things we decided to keep include; baby pictures, my parents' wedding pictures, some of their personal belongings, my father's dance photos, and some more sentimental items.

It's the day before the funeral. I stand in a yellow sundress, looking at the new picture on my dresser. It's a photo that was taken at Ninjago Talent; my mother and father each use one hand to keep the Blade Cup up in the air. A happy toddler Cole is occupying my father's other hand, he reaches a small hand up to try and touch the Blade Cup as well. My mother holds a baby me in her other arm, I seem to be giggling at Cole.

A shirtless Felix bursts into my room unannounced

"Mom, look at my back!" He exclaims, turning around. I kneel down to get a closer look. On the back of his left shoulder, above his shoulder blade, there is half of a 'Mother Son' charm engraved into his skin, like a tattoo

I'm at a loss for words, how could this have happened? Wait, does that mean-?

I stand up and push the left shoulder of my dress down, and look in the mirror. Sure enough, I have the matching half of the 'Mother Son' charm, plus half of a 'Mother Daughter' charm.

I can't stop myself from screaming. What caused this?

Lloyd rushes into the room

"Lilly, what's wrong?" He asks. I turn away from him, letting him see the engraved charms in my shoulder. He calls for his mother, to which everyone ends up in our room.

Misako examines both Felix and I's shoulders

"It seems that your mother had the exceptional gift of being able to use the 'Saviours Charm'. The gift of The Saviours Charm can only be passed down to family, and they must use the charm, thus saving another's life. So, at some point in her life, someone who had the gift of The Savours Charm saved your mother's life. Your mother passed her gift on to you, and you passed the gift on to Felix." She looks directly at me as she speaks

"So this tattoo-like mark will stay on their shoulders forever?" Nya asks

"Yes, and Felix will revive another mark once he has passed on his gift." Misako answers

"But, Lilly and Lloyd are not Felix's birth parents, so how did the charm work?" Zane asks. I look to Felix, who focuses his eyes on the ground. Lloyd speaks before I can

"No, he is our son, he is our family. I don't know how the 'Charm' works, but it knows that he is our son." Felix lifts his head and smiles. Lloyd holds his arms open, Felix walks as quickly as he can to him and Lloyd holds Felix in his arms.

"There's still one more thing that doesn't make sense..?" Everyone looks at me "Felix was never given a charm."

"Perhaps he will only revive the charm when it is most needed." Sensei looks to Lloyd and Felix

"So this mark isn't going to hurt mom or I?" Felix asks

"No Felix, it won't hurt you or your mother." Misako giggles a little.

I go to sleep early that night... There will be lots of crying at my father's funeral tomorrow...

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