Lets Make a Deal

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'Lilly's POV'

The Evils' weren't kidding when they said the battle was first thing in the morning. As soon as the first slivers of sun peek through the roof they get us up.

They blindfold us and walk us to some unknown place

"Don't be afraid" Evil Lloyd whispers into my ear as he pulls off my blindfold.

'Normal POV'

Lilly and Evil Lilly stand in the middle of a glass room, the Evil Ninja on one side and the Good Ninja on the other

"Fight!" Evil Lloyd commands

Evil Lilly immediately jumps onto Lilly, sending them toppling onto the ground.

They fight, soon both girls have blood running down their face and multiple bruises on their body. By now Evil Lilly has changed her skin colour to match Lilly's, so nobody can tell them apart

Evil Lilly straddles Lilly, ripping Misako's necklace from her neck, only to go running for it like it was hers

"My necklace!!" Screams the Lilly who was left on the floor

"It's mine you fake!" Screams the Lilly holding the necklace

"You liar!!" The Lilly on the floor jumps up and runs at the other Lilly, pushing her onto the ground. The Lilly on the ground smirks, rolling over, trapping the other one under her

"Just give up already... You're going to loose..." the Lilly on top whispers into the other Lilly's ear

"Not a chance!" Yells the Lilly on the ground

"You really are stupid" The Lilly on top hits the other in the eye, causing her to scream. The Lilly on the floor grabs the other Lilly's shirt, ramming her head into the others nose

"Ahh!!" The Lilly on top screams and jumps off of the other Lilly

"Stop!!" Evil Lloyd yells. They stop, one holding Misako's necklace and the other on the floor, wiping blood from her mouth "come here" they stand in the middle of the room.

Evil Lilly smirks and spins with Lilly, forcing the necklace back into her hand

"You have three questions, then you must choose a Lilly. The one you choose will not be killed, the other one will... go." Evil Lloyd says. The Good Ninja and Felix huddle

"What's taking so long!" One Lilly yells

"Guys, lets go!" The other yells

"Alright! Lloyd's up first" Cole says

"Why did my mother give you that necklace?" He asks

"Because it was our first date" One Lilly says

"She said it brought good luck" the other says

"Alright" Lloyd backs up, both answers are correct, but one is more accurate then the other. Cole steps forward

"Which one of our parents died in the fire that was set to our house?" Cole knew it would bring emotional memories back for the real Lilly, but it was what he had to do

"Our mother..." The Lilly on the right answers, looking to the ground

"She's right, it was our mother, but our father was unconscious for a few days" The other answers, fighting tears

"Your last question, make it good..." Evil Lloyd smirks

"Go ahead Felix" Lloyd nudges Felix forward, he looks at the two Lilly's standing in front of him

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