"I Love You"

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'Lloyd's POV'

It's been a week since Lilly and I fought... She still hasn't talked to me, I guess she's still mad...

'Lilly's POV'

It seems like Lloyd doesn't want to talk to me... So I haven't even been trying to talk to him...

I'm helping to collect dishes after dinner, when I see Lloyd glance at me as he walks out of the dining room. His glance makes me feel really guilty... I look away from where he disappeared when I hear Misako's voice

"Are you alright Lilly?"

"Oh!... Yeah, I'm fine," I look down and continue collecting plates

"Your fight won't go on forever you know. Things will get better," at her words a tear runs down my cheek

"I don't know how to make things better..." I whisper. She steps over and places a hand on my shaking shoulder

"Lilly, that's the thing; you don't have to know, you just have to talk and show him that you're not mad," she seems to know what she's talking about

"Really? Will that work?" She nods "thank you, Misako," I hug her and I can feel her smile as she hugs back.

After I finish helping I go up to Lloyd and I's room, I haven't slept here all week, I've been sleeping in the spare room.

I knock quietly "who is it?"

"Um, i-it's me..." I hear footsteps run to the door

"Lilly...?..." he doesn't make eye contact, he instead keeps his eyes on the ground

"Lloyd... I'm so sorry..." I feel the prickle of tears at the edges of my eyes as he looks up

"Don't cry Lilly.... I'm the one who should be saying sorry..." He pulls me into his chest and I look up

"No, you were worried, I shouldn't have been alone..." he smiles sweetly

"I'm sorry Lilly..." he slowly brings his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck

"I love you..." I whisper against his lips

"I love you too..."

"Yay! No more fighting!!" I hear Felix from behind me and we pull away

"Felix... Uh..." I feel my cheeks go red. Felix continues squealing and jumping up and down

"Felix, quiet down," Lloyd puts his finger to his lips and makes a 'shhh' sound

"You'll wake the others," I hear a door open

"Oh, don't worry, we're all awake," Jay speaks, peaking his head out of his and Nya's bedroom door

"I am glad you two are finished fighting, Felix was experiencing many negative emotions," Zane pokes his head out of his bedroom door also. I look down to Felix, we'd never even thought about how this was affecting him

"Felix, I'm so sorry," I can't kneel down, so he hugs my leg

"It's alright mom..." he yawns

"Awww" I hear Nya coo from behind Jay

"It's time for bed Felix," Lloyd takes his hand and leads him back to his room

"Goodnight mom!" He exclaims

"Goodnight Felix!" I call back. I sigh happily as I walk back into Lloyd and I's room... I've missed him so badly... I'm glad we're done fighting...

Lloyd makes his way back as quickly as he can, so to not let me be attacked again. I change and crawl into bed, Lloyd following close behind.

~Time Skip Of One And A Half Months~

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