Never Supposed To Live

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'Lilly's POV'

Days pass quickly, they blur together. The days turn into weeks, which turn into months. The Evils' haven't tried anything since we adopted Felix. I'm now seven months pregnant, so my baby bump is pretty big.

It's about 9:00 at night. I've just tucked Felix into bed and am going back to Lloyd and I's room. I get there and change into my pyjamas... Everyday has been the same for a while now...

I look into the mirror on our wall. I hold onto my necklace and immediately feel my mothers presence "mom, I love you... I wish you could be with us again so badly... Thank you... For giving your life for Cole and I..." I feel tears burn in the corners of my eyes and I let my necklace go, her presence that was keeping me warm is now gone...

"Talking to spirits are we?" I hear the voice of none other then Evil Lloyd. I whip around, and, sure enough, he's standing there, but I don't see the other four

"Where are the others?" I ask and take a step back

"Oh, I didn't bring them. I must do this on my own." He begins taking steps towards me. I'm about to call out for Lloyd, but he slaps a hand over my mouth before I can "shh, be good, Lilly... You see, this could've all been avoided if you'd just stayed with me..." I feel his hot breath on my ear

I struggle and try to pull away as his left hand travels down to my stomach. He traces circles on it while he holds a knife to my neck with his other hand

"Let me go..." I whisper harshly

"That would defeat the purpose of all of this" his smirk grows bigger.

Just as he presses the tip of the knife to my throat the door opens

"Mommy I... Mom!?" It's Felix

"Felix! Run!!" I scream

"Aw, he calls you mom..." Evil Lloyd lets me go and flies towards Felix. I grab Evil Lloyd's arm

"Don't touch him!" I scream

"Daddy!!" Felix lets out a blood curtailing scream

"Lilly, just let him die... He was never supposed to live..." My eyes widen

"No! He was supposed to live!!..." Right?... I wouldn't have found and saved him if he wasn't supposed to live, right?... Right?!?!

My thoughts are interrupted by Lloyd pushing Evil Lloyd away from me

"Lilly! Get out of here!!" He screams. I begin to make my way quickly out of the room, taking Felix with me.

I rush into the living room, where only Zane and Kai remain

"Lilly, what is wrong?" Zane asks

"Lloyd needs help, Evil Lloyd's shown up again!"

"What?! Where are they?!" Kai asks

"In Lloyd and I's room!" They take off running, up the stairs and into our room

"Mom... Will daddy be okay?" Felix asks

"Yes, your father will be fine. Don't worry about him, Felix," I pet his head, waiting for any word of how the guys are doing

"Oh yeah! Can I have some water?" Felix asks

"Of course," I get him some water in a kids cup and go back to waiting in the living room. Felix gulps down the water and goes to get more

Kai walks back into the living room "Lilly, its safe to go back to your room now"

"Alright, thanks Kai," I take Felix's hand and tuck him back into his bed. I set his water on his bedside table "goodnight Felix," I kiss his forehead

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