Not Powerful Enough

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'Nya's POV'

We run through the forest, on the way to the Evils' hideout. Sensei, Garmadon and Misako ended up staying back with Gwen, Jackson and Felix.

We run for what feels like hours before we see the big building that the Evils' are in.

"Alright, don't let your guard down" As Cole speaks we hear rustling in the bushes

"Aw, you've come to save Lilly... How cute" Evil Kai says as they emerge from the shadows

"You also saved us a trip; now we don't have to chase you down to kill you" Evil Jay says

"Kill us? Ha! Don't make me laugh..." Kai says

"By my calculations, it about a 50% chance that they could kill us" Zane says

"That means we've got a 50% chance too, and that's good enough for me" Cole says

"Well, it looks like you're going to fight for your lives" Evil Lloyd speaks

"There's no way we're going down without a fight" Lloyd glares at his Evil.

All of a sudden they begin fighting, each guy with his Evil. This gives me a chance to sneak away and find Lilly.

I sneak through the dark halls, having no idea where to go.

I check every room. No luck. Feeling defeated I rush around, looking for Lilly. I find one room that I haven't checked yet

She has to be in here!

I push the door open and light floods into the room. I see Lilly's body, not moving. There is a blood-soaked sheet around her stomach, the handle of a knife sticking out from the red fabric

"Lilly!" I scream and run to her. She won't move. I check for a pulse and find one. She's breathing, but just barley. I panic and try to contact Sensei through my bracelet

"Sensei!? Garmadon!? Misako?!... Anyone?!" I scream. After just seconds I get a reply

"Nya, what's the problem?" Sensei asks

"Sensei, it's Lilly, Evil Lloyd must have stabbed her, she's not moving!!"

"Get her to us right away!" Misako yells

"I will send your Samurai X suit" Sensei says

"Alright" I hold in tears... What would happen if she died?...

After a few minutes my suit is in the building. I pick Lilly's body up and put her into the suit, fitting myself beside her.

"Hold on Lilly" I whisper, holding in my tears.

'Felix's POV'

"Is Illy okay?" I ask, after overhearing Sensei, Misako and Garmadon's conversation

"Felix..." Misako looks to Sensei

"Felix, we aren't sure yet... Now, we must prepare for her arrival" They stand and rush out of the room

"Illy..." I whisper.

I rush out onto the front lawn when the Samurai X suit lands. Nya carries Illy into the monastery and I run after her.

By the time I get to the medical room Nya is stepping out of the door and closing it

"W-will she be alright?..." I ask

"I don't know..." Nya sits, her back against the wall. I begin to cry and she speaks again "come here Felix" she holds her arm out and I walk over. She hugs me

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