Plan Into Action

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'Lloyd's POV'

I wake up first thing in the morning. I get dressed quickly and find Felix; until we destroy all of the Evil Ninja, I'm not letting him out of my sight.

I find Felix in his room, he's dressed and looking at the picture of his parents

"Felix, are you ready to go?" He jumps a little and turns to me

"Yeah, I'm ready" he answers, following me out of his room and into the dining room. Zane is cooking while the others figure out a plan for today

"So, we have to climb the mountain again, but with our weapons?" Kai asks

"Yes, and one of you will have to take Felix" my mom answers

"I'll do it, I'm the strongest" Cole says, before anyone can say anything I speak

"No, I'll take him" I look to Felix, he looks up to me and holds my leg

"Would it be alright if Lloyd takes you up the mountain, Felix?" Sensei asks

"Yes" Felix answers, looking to the others

"Breakfast is ready to be consumed" Zane calls from the kitchen

-After Breakfast-

Felix, my dad, mom, Sensei and I climb onto the Ultra Dragon. Nya is staying back with Jackson and Gwen.

I don't really have a weapon, so I'm using two katakanas that my dad had.

We fly back to the mountain where Lilly found her true potential...

On Sensei's signal everyone starts to climb

"Are you ready?" I ask Felix, who is in my left arm

"Yes" he holds onto my shoulder for dear life as I begin to climb.

By the time we reach the top Felix is shaking in fear and his eyes are glued shut. I brush his hair out of his face

"Felix, we made it to the top" he opens his eyes and sighs in relief. I put him down and he wobbles a little

"That was terrifying" he says, we laugh and begin to walk into the big building

"So, what do we do Sensei?" Jay asks, we all turn to look at Sensei

"You all must set your weapons in the center and go to the corners you were in when Lilly first found her true potential." Sensei answers

"Alright boys, put your weapons in the middle and find your corner" Cole commands

I set my katakanas down with the rest of the weapons and take Felix to my corner.

Once we've all found our corner a blinding light shines and the building starts to shake

"Everyone get out! Now!!" I hear someone yell. My corner is the farthest from the door.

In front of me Kai grabs all of the weapons

"Lloyd, watch out!!" Felix points above my head. I look up and see parts of the ceiling beginning to collapse

"Let's go Felix!" I begin running, picking the small child up as I run. No one else is left in the building as it begins to fall in on itself


"Felix!!" The guys call for us as I run. The walls behind me collapse as I see the exit. I dive out of the building, my body hitting the ground hard. I look down to Felix, who has his eyes squeezed shut and is clinging to my chest

"Felix, we're alright" I whisper, he opens his eyes and tears fall down his cheeks

"Thank you" he whispers back. The guys rush over to us

"Are you alright?" My mother asks

"Yeah, we're fine" I answer, standing up and setting Felix on the ground. I look to the building as it falls into a pile of rubble and dust

"Did the weapons charge?" I ask

"See for yourself" Kai throws me my now glowing katakanas. I smile as I look at the weapons we will use to get Lilly back: Cole's scythe, Jay's nunchucks, Zane's shurikens, Kai's sword and my katakanas

"It looks like you've only got one shot at getting Lilly back, since there is now no way to recharge the weapons" my dad points out

"Alright, we will set out for their hide out" Sensei says, the others nod

"Wait, I've got to get Felix back to the monastery" I say

"Alright, we'll go from the monastery" Sensei says. They begin to descend the mountain.

"But I wanna come save Illy too" he wines

"No Felix, you're going to the monastery, I will not let you get hurt" I kneel down in front of him

"But-" I pick him up and begin our decent before he can argue.


Nya greets us at the door

"Did you charge the weapons?" She asks

"Yes, and we're going to their hideout right now" Jay answers

"Well, I'm coming with you" She says

"No! Nya-" Nya cuts Kai off

"I'm coming with you guys, and that's final" Nya puts her hands on her hips

"Who's going to watch the kids?" Jay asks

"I'll stay back" my mom steps forward

"Alright, Felix, you're staying with my mom" I say, setting the child inside the door. Nya walks out and stands beside Jay.

As I start to leave I feel a small tug on my pant leg, I stop and see Felix holding onto my leg, on the verge of tears

"Lloyd, please don't die..." he whispers. I kneel down and hug him tightly as he brings to cry

"I won't... I'll see you soon Felix, I promise" I give him one last squeeze before standing up and rushing to catch up with the guys.

'Lilly's POV'

I'm still chained to the wall, only now both of my arms are chained above my head and my feet don't touch ground. My whole body aches... I have so many cuts and bruises from him...

The door creaks as Evil Lloyd walks into the room

"What do you want?" I ask, my voice hoarse and dry

"I just wanted to tell you that today is the day that we will kill the ninja" he walks to me with a smirk on his face

"You won't be able to beat them! They will outsmart you! THEY WILL!!" I begin screaming.

I can't imagine what would happen to me if they lost... Well, actually I can; I would be forced to spend the rest of my life with Evil Lloyd...

"Oh dear, you are delusional. They have no way to stop us" he cackles

"They will stop you!! They are stronger then you!!" I scream

"They will not stop us!!!" He screams. He hits me in the eye, cheek, leg, then stomach. I scream and cry in pain, coughing up blood in the process

"Oh Lilly, if only you'd just give up... You will be mine..." he touches my cheek, the one he just hit

"I... will never... give up..." I breathe

"Just stop Lilly" and with that he kisses me. I struggle and struggle, not giving up even though I feel like that would be easier

"Stop struggling!!" He screams, taking out a knife. I try to kick it out of his hand, but before I can he shoves the blade into the right side of my lower side.

I cry and scream, the handle of the knife sticking out of my stomach. He unlocks my chains and I drop to the ground, loosing blood quickly

"I'll see you later, my love" and with that he walks out of the door.

I crawl to the bed and rip off the sheet, tying it around my waist to try and stop the bleeding. My vision begins to go black at the edges... The lat thing I hear is Felix's voice, I might never hear that again...

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