My Life For Yours...

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'Felix's POV'

I sit on the ground crying for I don't know how long. No light is coming in from the glass roof when I finally fall into a dark sleep.

I'm waken up by coughing, I open my eyes and see Illy, sitting up and coughing violently

'Lilly's POV'

I cough and cough, trying to be quiet, not wanting to wake the others, who I'm sure need the sleep

"Illy?" Felix asks quietly. I look to the small boy. Just enough light shines through the ceiling that I can see that he has a black eye

"Felix, are you okay?" I ask, pulling on my chains, trying to get closer to the child

"Yeah... Illy, I'm so scared..." He tries his best to hold in his tears

"Felix, I will protect you with my life" I tell him, reaching my hand out to touch his

"Don't say that!" He screams, breathing heavily, I pull my hand back and tears fall down his cheeks "I... I couldn't live with myself if they killed you because of me..."

"Felix, I will protect you, no matter what... If that means my life for yours... So be it..." I feel like crying myself "but, if I ever get the chance, I will get us out of here, all of us" He changes the subject

"Illy, they hurt Lloyd... But before he passed out, he said that you and him were my new family... Is it true?" He asks

"Yes, Felix, we are your family" I tell him, beginning to cough again

"Illy, are you alright?!" He asks

"Yeah.." I stop and lean against the wall, holding my side "try and get more sleep Felix"

"Okay, goodnight"

"Goodnight Felix"

I eventually fall asleep as well.

When I wake up again the sun is shining brightly through the ceiling, the Evils' are circling the room

"Good morning, my other" my Evil smirks at me, I glare back at her

"What do you want?" I ask, watching as they circle around the room

"We have to feed you to keep you alive, idiot" Evil Lloyd

"What did you do to this?" Kai asks as his Evil sits a bowl of green slop in front of him

"We didn't do anything to it. We have to keep you living until the time comes when we will extract your powers" Evil Kai answers

"Why don't you just kill us now?" Cole asks

"Because, the stars aren't aligned, and if we kill you before we extract your power, your powers will slowly fade" Evil Zane answers

"Now eat! we can't have even one of you die" Evil Lloyd demands

"Felix, go ahead" I whisper

"O-Okay Illy" he begins to eat the slop. As I begin to pick up mine Evil Lloyd grabs my arm

"I need to speak with you" he says, I look up and nod, afraid of what he'd do if I denied him. He unlocks my chains and I stand up. Cole, Lloyd and Felix look worriedly at me, while my Evil glares at me.

Evil Lloyd takes me out and into a dark room, down a few hallways, and into another dark room, where he disappears into the shadows

"What do you want from me?" I ask, getting into a fighting stance

"Now, now, I didn't bring you here to hurt you, love" he says, appearing in front of me

"I don't believe you"

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