Letting the cat out of the bag

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Note: I do not own anything but my OC
Also this takes place after the defeat of the overlord

'Coles pov'
It was just a normal day of traning on the bounty that we all helped to fix after it was destroyed when sensei came up to us and said "boys we have a new ninja coming her name is Lilly and she is Coles sister"

My eyes widened and the boys let out a group "what!!!" Then Zane continued "Cole you never told us you had a sister" "ya I do" I admitted "she's Lloyd's age, I haven't talked to her in years and Honestly i've missed her" the others walked over to me and Jay asked "what's she like?"

"Well" I said trying to choose my words carefully "last time I saw her she was a huge prankster but she's nice and friendly, Lilly got my moms blonde hair and green eyes too" i decided to stop there. I turned around to sensei "when is she getting here sensei?" I questioned "one week from today" he replies.

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