Crib Building and Babymoon

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"Can you believe the girls are going to be sleeping in here soon?" Maya asked as she carried the second crib box into the nursery.

"No," Carina said, folding another blanket, sticking it on a shelf in the closet, "We have so much to do before they come."

"Well, hopefully, today will take care of some of it," Maya said, opening the box.

They had been washing the girls blankets, cloths, and other items over the past week when they had time in preparation for both of them being home on Friday all day to work on the nursery. Carina was folding the little clothes and blankets while Maya was building the cribs, rocker, and dresser.

"Why does this have more instructions than we give to probies on their first day at the station?" Maya groaned, pulling out first crib.

"I believe in you," Carina said, laughing as she folded another onesie, setting it in a laundry basket for when the dresser was done.

An hour later, Maya threw the instruction book across the room.

"This is literally impossible," the blonde said, rubbing her hands over her face.

"Would you like some help Bambina?" Carina asked, putting the last of the blankets they had away.

"I should be able to figure this out," Maya said, "How the hell am I going to be able to be a good mom to these babies if I can't even build them a place to sleep?"

"Hey," Carina said, frowning as she heard the crack in Maya's voice, realizing the frustration was more than just about the crib, "Come here."

Maya stood up, looking at Carina with tears in her eyes.

"What's going on?" Carina asked, pulling her close.

"I'm scared," Maya said, "I'm scared that I am going to mess these babies up or not know what to do with them when they cry or are scared or get sick or anything because all I have as an example is Lane who only thought about winning and literally didn't care about my well-being and my mom who just rolled over to whatever my dad wanted and now we are having two babies and the only thing I can think is that I don't want them to ever hurt and I'm terrified I am going to be the one that causes them pain."

"Hey," Carina said, pulling Maya out of her spiral, "Listen. You are probably going to do things that will hurt the girls. I'm sure I will too because that is part of life, but the thing that is different, is that we will recognize when it happens and try to make it right. I'm scared too Maya. I had a mamma who moved across the world to be away from my papa, but left me there with him because she was too weak to stand up to him and take both of us. And a papa who was too mentally ill to be a parent and whose favorite pastime was telling me how much of a disappointment I was. Maya, we are both going into this without the kind of guidance we would like, but we know what we don't want to do. We can do this. We will be better than our parents, but we are going to have to rely on each other."

Maya nodded, wiping a tear off her cheek before leaning up and kissing her wife.

"Let's take a little break from this," Carina said, gesturing to the nursery, "We can go grab some food and then you can try again later."

Maya nodded, both of them walking out of the nursery feeling a little better than when they had gone in. Maya made them some food, the two of them enjoying it on the couch before Carina fell asleep.

When the brunette woke up, she was alone on the couch. She got up, stretching a little as the girls kicked. She rested her hands on her 25 week baby belly for a second before walking upstairs.

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