Going Out

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About two weeks after Maya's episode, she was feeling a little bit better. Therapy had been helping and the girls finally started sleeping again, and Carina was right, they were now sleeping from 8 pm to 6 am which seemed like a miracle to both moms. This gave Maya the chance to run either before the babies got up in the morning or after they went down at night which helped her mental health a lot.

Carina also got herself back on a regular day shift which meant that she was there at night to help with the babies if that was needed or to help Maya sleep and allow her to take her meds if she needed to to be able to sleep. It all helped, and while they still felt like they were adjusting to life with kids, both of them felt like maybe, they had finally turned a corner.

Another big plus was that the weather finally had eased a little, meaning Maya could get out of the house with the girls.

One morning after the twins were fed and happy, Maya decided to go to the station. She had some paperwork to drop off and just needed to see her friends. She got the twins loaded up in their stroller, tucking blankets around them before heading out of the house.

She walked to the station, knowing she would make it during shift change because it was just about 7:30. A shift would probably be getting there around the same time she did, and she was thinking maybe she could steal breakfast with them if the twins were in a good mood.

She pushed the stroller up to the station, Finch seeing her as she walked up, helping her with the door.

"Thanks," she said as she pushed the double stroller into the station.

"Of course Chief," he said, nodding a little, "Are these your daughters?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded, pulling the sunshades down so the babies could be seen, "This is Nora and this is Rowan."

"They are adorable," Finch said, smiling at the babies, "Congratulations Chief."

"Thanks," Maya smiled as he headed upstairs.

She looked over, seeing Andy's door was open. She knocked on the door, Andy's head popping out of her bunk as she finished buttoning her shirt.

"Maya," she said, smiling as her friend pushed the baby stroller into her old office, "What are you doing here?"

"I needed to drop off some approved budget forms," Maya said, shrugging, "And I needed to get out of the house and was hoping maybe to join you all for breakfast?"

"Of course," Andy nodded, smiling as she looked at the babies in the stroller, "How are you doing?"

"Better," Maya said, having talked to Andy about everything she was going through almost two weeks ago, but not having talked to her much since, "These munkins have started sleeping through the entire night which has helped, and I feel like maybe I'm starting to adjust to this whole stay at home mom gig. I'm glad it's not my life forever, but spending time with them is getting to be more enjoyable."

"Good," Andy said, smiling, "Oh, thanks again for the letter for Robert and me. I know you had a lot going on so it really means a lot that you did it."

"How is that all going?" Maya asked as Rowan started fussing, clearly over being in her seat.

"Can I?" Andy asked, moving toward the baby.

"Of course," Maya nodded as Andy got Rowan out, bouncing her a little, getting a smile out of the baby.

"It's going well," Andy said, "We should be hearing if we are approved sometime in the next two weeks and then, if we are, we will be but in a book for perspective moms and can be chosen from there."

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