Date Night

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The girls had officially been in daycare for a month, and apart from a little bit of fussiness every day at drop off for the first two weeks, they were doing well. The staff at Grey Sloan loved the girls and both babies seemed happy. It made it easier for Maya and Carina to leave them when they had to.

Andy and Robert's newest addition, Veronica "Ronnie" Ryan, had come into the world about three days after they were selected meaning that for almost a month, Maya had been acting captain of Station 19, making her work schedule was back to what it had been pre babies, but luckily, they had managed to work their schedules so when they were both working overnight, it wasn't on the same night.

Now that they had fallen into a good routine, Maya decided it was time for them to have some time to themselves. She checked with Vic and Travis, making sure they were both free on Friday night, knowing both she and Carina were off then too. She got reservations at a restaurant they went to often before the girls were born before telling Carina about it.

They were lying in bed after putting the girls to bed on Tuesday night just cuddling.

"I have a surprise for you," Maya said, looking at Carina.

"Cosa?" Carina asked. "We are going on a date," Maya said, smiling, "I made plans for Friday night. We are both off and Vic and Travis agreed to babysit and I made us reservations at Roma and the drive-in is playing one of our favorite movies and we can finally go on a date for the first time since the babies were born."

"Oh," Carina said, biting her lip anxiously, "Yeah, maybe."

"What's wrong?" Maya asked.

"We've never left the girls before," Carina said, playing with her hands.

"We leave them at daycare all the time," Maya said, confused.

"But I am in the building with them. If something happens, I am right there," Carina said, "We will be leaving them here and we will be... not here."

"Babe, Vic and Travis are both know how to take care of babies," Maya said, "Or at least Vic does, and she can help Travis. The girls love them and Vic helped raise Pru when she was a baby, and let's be real, all Travis has to do is smile at Nora and she's happy."

"I guess," Carina said, knowing Maya was right.

"Come on," Maya said, "We haven't been out in so long, and it'll only be a few hours. I bet I could even convince Vic to send us updates every hour."

"Alright," Carina agreed reluctantly, "I guess that would be fine. And it would be nice to have a date. We haven't left the house together without the babies since they were born."

"I know," Maya said, "And it will be good for us to leave them and just be together for a little bit."

"And you said you got reservations at Roma?" Carina asked, circling back.

"I did," Maya nodded, "I know you always say it's the best Italian in Seattle, and it's by the Sound so we can enjoy that too, if we want."

"Fine," Carina said, "Let's do it."

"Really?" Maya said, eyes lighting up a little.

"Si," Carina nodded. Maya smiled, giving Carina a kiss.

Maya was hoping that maybe, a date would be the thing their relationship needed to start getting back on track. Their sex life since becoming moms had been lacking to say the least.

Carina, along with her PPA, was having a really hard time with her body and all the changes it had gone through when she was pregnant. She loved that her body was able to carry two babies for as long as it had, but she was still trying to get comfortable in her own skin that was now a little looser than she was used to and had stretch marks.

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