They're Here

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They decided not to make any plans with anyone for Christmas. By that point, Carina was 38 weeks pregnant, and the girls could literally come at any time. They didn't want to make plans because they didn't want to have to cancel them last minute.

Also, Carina was to a point that she was extremely uncomfortable all the time. Her back ached from all the extra baby weight, her feet and ankles often were swollen and sore by the afternoon, she wasn't sleeping more than an hour at a time, breathing was getting harder as the girls grew, and her heartburn was to the point that she thought she was going to throw up at least twice a day.

She was also having Braxton-Hicks contractions often, but when she went for her appointment on December 22, she wasn't even one centimeter dilated so the contractions were for practice and nothing more.

She had officially gone on maternity leave on Christmas Eve, and somehow, Maya had managed to get Christmas Day off this year, so their plan was to spend a quiet day together unless the girls decided to show up.

"I am officially done working until after these bambinas are born," Carina said, walking through the door at 7 pm on Christmas Eve.

"Welcome home," Maya said, smiling as she walked up to her wife, wrapping her arms around her and kissing her deeply.

"It smells good in here," Carina said, pulling away, "What are you cooking?"

"I just made some simple soup," Maya said, shrugging, "Hopefully, it won't make the heartburn worse. I was going to make lasagna because I know it's Deluca family tradition, but I know tomatoes are really not agreeing with you these days so I thought I would make that after the girls are born instead so you could enjoy it."

"Thank you Bella," Carina said, "You are always so thoughtful."

"I try," Maya said, shrugging, "Now, go change into something more comfortable, while I finish dinner, and then we can curl up and watch all those cheesy Christmas movies you love."

Carina nodded, going upstairs to their room while Maya went back into the kitchen. The pregnant woman smiled when she saw a gift on the bed that said "open me on Christmas Eve" on the tag.

"Maya," Carina called downstairs, "Am I supposed to open this?"

The next thing Carina heard was footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Oh, yeah," Maya said, nodding, "I forgot. Go ahead."

Carina opened the package, finding a new pair of pajamas in the box, along with a box of Carina's favorite tea and her favorite Christmas movie on DVD.

"So Andy was telling me the other day that they get Luca a Christmas Eve box every year and they give him pajamas, and a Christmas book, and a Christmas movie and a special snack, and I thought it might be fun to do with Piccola and Patatina, and I had pajamas and a book for them this year, but clearly they are enjoying a relaxing Christmas Eve without us so I thought I would spoil you a little this year instead, and start it with them next year," Maya said, biting on her lip, not sure what Carina would think.

"Oh Bambina," Carina said, tears filling her eyes which she 100% blamed on the hormones of late pregnancy, "I love that idea."

Carina knew that Christmas had never been something Maya enjoyed before they were together, and watching her be excited about the holiday made Carina's heart soar.

The traditions in the Bishop house on Christmas were not at all something Maya looked forward to as a kid. While her friends were eating special breakfasts and opening presents, she was out on the track with her dad, running laps because no one else was there on Christmas morning so it was the perfect time to train according to Lane.

A Bambina or Bambino of Our OwnWhere stories live. Discover now