Welcome Home Anxiety

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"This is our house," Carina said as Maya carried the girls car seats into the house.

"Nora's sound asleep," Maya said, laughing, "And I'm sure Rowan has no idea what you are saying."

"You are probably right," Carina said, smiling a little, "Come on. Let's get them out."

Maya set the car seats down on the ground, unstrapping Rowan, handing her to Carina before getting Nora out too. They took the babies upstairs to the master bedroom where they had two little bassinets set up for them to sleep in for the first few weeks or months, depending on when they started sleeping through the night.

Carina sat down on the bed, laying Rowan down in the middle of the bed. Maya set Nora down next to her sister before changing into some more comfortable clothes. She then went and grabbed some swaddles from the nursery before rejoining the family in the master bedroom.

Rowan was just looking around the room, little eyes blinking as she yawned.

"God, they are so cute," Maya said, staring down at the babies.

"Si," Carina said, leaning her head on Maya's shoulder, "I can't believe they are ours."

Maya smiled, turning her head and kissing the top of her wife's.

"How are you feeling babe?" Maya asked, rubbing her back.

"Sore," Carina said, "And tired. Can we just do nothing all day?"

"You mean, besides take care of our babies?" Maya chuckled.

"Si," Carina said, "Speaking of which, they need to eat soon."

"Should we wake Nora?" Maya asked, knowing that her friends always yelled if she threatened to wake their kids.

"Probably," Carina said, "They need to be on the same schedule if we ever want to get any sleep."

"Good point," Maya said, nodding as Carina got ready to feed the girls while Maya woke Nora.

The baby made a face when Maya tried to wake her, letting out a soft whimper.

"Just like your mamma," Maya said, shaking her head as she continued to try to rouse the sleeping infant.

The baby opened her eyes, looking pissed at the world as Maya handed her to Carina. Once Nora realized there was food involved in this little wake up call, she seemed a little less perturbed. Rowan had already latched and was getting her fill of milk.

"How does it feel?" Maya asked, watching Carina adjust the babies a little.

"Weird," Carina admitted, "It kinda hurts a little still, but not so much. It's strange."

"I'm sure," Maya said, nodding, "Do you want me to get you anything? Something to eat or drink?"

"Some tea?" Carina requested.

"Of course," Maya said, nodding as she got out of bed.

She came back ten minutes later with a mug of tea and some of Carina's favorite cookies.

"Grazie," the Italian said as her wife set the items down on the nightstand.

Once the babies finished eating, each of them took one, burping them before laying them down on the bed between them, just watching them. They were both awake, just blinking their little eyes, arms and legs moving in an uncoordinated, newborn way.

"I am much happier they are doing this in the bed instead of in my belly," Carina said, reaching out and putting her finger in Rowan's hand, the tiny fingers instantly curling around her larger one.

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