Meeting the Grandparents and Going Home

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"Today is a very important day," Maya said as she changed Rowan's diaper while Carina was in the shower, "You are going to go meet two very important people to Mamma. Your Nonnina and Nonno. You can't actually see them, but we are going to go where they are buried. It is very important to Mamma, and she might cry, but it's ok."

Rowan gurgled, babbling at Maya as she crawled over to the couch in just a diaper. Maya smiled as she grabbed Nora, tickling the little girl before changing her too. It had been two days since the family get together, and everyone was feeling much better.

Today their plans were to take the girls to the cemetery where Carina's parents were buried and have a picnic. Andrew was planning on joining as well. Even though they were divorced, Elenora and Vincenzo Deluca were buried together which their children were grateful for.

Maya pulled a pair of overalls on Rowan, trying to fix her hair a little as the baby crawled away. She then got Nora dressed too, managing to get her hair up in two little pigtails before Carina came out of the bathroom.

"They are quite busy this morning," Maya said, shaking her head, "I could barely get Rowan dressed before she was off to go through the diaper bag."

"It's almost time for them to nap," Carina said, smiling as Nora crawled over to her, reaching up.

"I know," Maya said, smiling as she watched Nora cuddle with Carina, sticking her fingers in her mouth, "Would you mind if I went out for a run while you put them down? I can stay and help and get a short one in after if you want."

"No," Carina said, "You should go run. You've only gone once since we got here. I'll get them down."

"Thanks," Maya smiled, getting up off the floor, "I won't be long. I just need to get some of this energy out."

"Just don't get lost," Carina said, laughing a little.

Maya nodded, changing her clothes before heading out the door. She didn't get too far from their hotel, running laps through the park to make sure she knew where she was.

On her cooldown lap, she stopped at a flower stand in the park, getting a bunch of sunflowers to take to Carina's mom's grave, remembering Carina said they were her favorites. She also got some yellow and pink carnations for Carina, paying quickly before heading back to the hotel.

She walked in the door about an hour after she left, finding Carina on the couch on her laptop.

"Hey," Maya said, both hands full of flowers behind her back.

"Bambina," Carina smiled, looking up from her work, "How was your run?"

"Good," Maya said, smiling, "I have something for you."

"What?" Carina asked, getting up.

"These are for you," Maya said, handing the carnations to Carina, "And these are to take to your mom."

"Oh, Maya," Carina smiled, tears pricking her eyes as she set the flowers down on the kitchen counter, wrapping her arms around her wife and giving her a kiss, "Thank you."

"Of course," Maya smiled, giving Carina another kiss, "Now, I need to go shower before the babies wake up and we have to go."

"Alright," Carina nodded, wiping her eyes, "I love you."

"I love you too," Maya said, stealing one more quick kiss before going into the bathroom.

By the time Maya was showered, dressed, and had her hair dry, the girls were just waking up from their naps.

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