Teething and Periods

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Rowan had been such an easy teether. She cut her first tooth at five months, and apart from the insane amount of drool she produce that soaked all her clothes, and the rash on her chin, there were very few signs Rowan was cutting teeth. The only other thing was one night of terrible sleep, usually resulting in either Maya or Carina pacing the hall with the baby. The first tooth Rowan had cut was discovered by Carina when she was bitten by the little girl while she nursed.

The twins were now nine months old and Rowan had four teeth with two more looking like they might break through any day. Nora, however, had no teeth. She had been drooling just as long as Rowan had, but there were no other signs that there were teeth coming.

One day, while Carina was home with the twins and Maya was working, Nora was in a mood. She was crying, wouldn't eat, and just seemed miserable. She sucked on her fingers, and just wanted to lay on Carina all day. She was pulling on her ear, which worried Carina because she knew ear infections were common in babies this age. Nora didn't feel too warm, but her clinginess was very abnormal for her. She was so fussy, and nothing seemed to make her feel any better.

"Are we going to end up at the doctor tomorrow?" Carina asked as she paced around the house, Nora just lying in her arms, pulling on her ear as she fussed, "Is your ear hurting?"

Nora just sighed, finally closing her eyes. Carina just let her nap on her, not daring to put the little girl down in fear of waking her up.

Maya got home not long after, having worked the night before.

"What's going on?" the blonde asked quietly, seeing the baby napping on her wife instead of in her bed.

"Something is bothering her," Carina sighed, "I think she might have an ear infection or something. She has barely eaten all day, she's pulling at her ear, and she's super fussy."

"Do you want to take her in?" Maya asked, frowning.

"I don't know," Carina said, "I'll see how she is when she wakes up. How was work?"

"It was good," Maya said, "Andy is back next week, and I am so ready. I like being back out in the field every day, but all the extra paperwork, plus trying to still get around to all the other stations is a lot."

"Well, you have been doing an excellent job," Carina said, carefully leaning over and giving Maya a kiss so as not to disturb the sleeping baby on her chest.

They two of them just sat there talking for a little while before both girls woke up. Nora was still fussy and needy, going to Maya so Carina could breastfeed Rowan.

"Come on Nora," Maya said, offering her a bottle, "Eating might make you feel better."

Nora eventually took about half her bottle, mostly just chewing on the nipple. She spit it out, grabbing her ear as she started to cry.

"Hey, Car," Maya said, getting a look in the little girl's mouth as she screamed, "Do you see what I see?"

"Her gums," Carina said, eyes wide, "Now it all makes sense. She's teething."

"Rowan was never like this," Maya said, getting up and pacing, trying to help Nora calm down.

"Getting teeth doesn't bother some babies," Carina shrugged as she adjusted Rowan, "And some it bothers a lot. Apparently, it bothers Nora a lot."

"You don't think she's got an ear infection or something else going on?" Maya asked as Nora finally settled with her fingers in her mouth.

"She could," Carina said, "But she doesn't have a fever, and all her other symptoms can be from getting teeth. If she's still this miserable tomorrow, we can take her to the doctor. We can give her some Tylenol though."

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