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"Alright," Maya said, pulling a clean onesie onto Rowan, "Now, if you could just not spit up again before daycare, that would be great. You want to make a good first impression on everyone on your first day, and spit up covered clothes is not going to cut it."

Rowan babbled, blowing spit bubbled at Maya as she pulled her up.

"Come on," Maya said, "Let's go try to calm Mamma down."

The two blondes headed downstairs where Carina was going over her list for the fifth time that morning.

"Babe, we have everything they need," Maya said, putting her hand on Carina's back, "And probably more."

"Did we remember..." Carina started.

"Nora's favorite blanket, yep. It's in her bag," Maya nodded, setting Rowan down on the play mat so she could properly calm her wife down, "They are going to be fine. And if we forgot anything, I can always run it to the hospital when I have a free minute. The girls are going to be fine. They are literally going to be in the same building with you. It is going to be fine."

"But what if they get hurt or something by a bigger kid?" Carina asked, biting her lip.

"They are going to be watched all the time," Maya said, "And Scout is almost as protective of the girls as he is of Harper so they have a mini bodyguard. Everything is going to be fine."

"How can you be so calm about this?" Carina said, pacing the kitchen, "We are about to go leave our daughters with virtual strangers."

"I would hardly call them strangers," Maya said, shaking her head, "Five of them are patients of yours. Now, we need to get going because I have a meeting at 42 this morning that I cannot be late for, and I would like to be able to be there when we drop them off."

"Fine," Carina sighed, going to grab the babies as Maya loaded the car with the babies' bags as well as hers and Carina's.

Soon enough, the four of them were heading to Grey Sloan.

"I don't think they're ready," Carina said as they walked into the hospital, each of them holding a baby.

"They are ready," Maya nodded, "This will be good for them. It will teach them how to make friends. And it's only for like 5 hours today because you are only working a half day so it will be fine."

"But what if..." Carina started, but Maya stopped her.

"Babe, they are going to be fine. They are safe here."

"I know," Carina said, taking a deep breath as they walked up to the day care.

"Dr. Deluca," Tammy, one of the daycare workers said, "And Chief Bishop. Good morning. And good morning Rowan and Nora?"

"Correct," Maya nodded as Tammy pointed to each of the girls, making sure she had the right name with the right baby, "And you can call me Maya. We brought their bags, and a copy of what they eat and when they normally nap and stuff like that."

"Perfect," Tammy said, gesturing for Maya and Carina to come in, "Every kid has a cubby we keep their stuff in. Here is Nora's, and this one is for Rowan. You are welcome to leave stuff here if you want to, like extra clothes, bottles, whatever just in case."

"Thank you," Carina said, putting down one of the baby bags.

They had been here about a week ago just to check it all out so they were familiar with everything.

"Alright," Tammy said, "Any questions?"

"I don't think so," Maya said, shaking her head.

"If there is a problem, you will page me?" Carina asked, rubbing her hand up and down Rowan's back.

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