Sick 2

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About an hour later, Carina woke up to the sound of someone coughing. She forced her eyes open, seeing that Maya had clearly been woken up as well.

"Did I fall asleep?" Maya said, rubbing her eyes as she started coughing.

"Si," Carina said, forcing herself out of bed.

Nora was coughing in her bed, starting to sound a lot like Rowan had the night before.

"Come here," Carina said, picking up the baby, "That sounds bad."

"I didn't mean to fall asleep," Maya said, shivering a little, "I was feeling very anxious and overstimulated so I came up here to calm down. I feel terrible."

"You have a fever," Carina nodded, sitting down on the bed by her wife, "You're sick too."

"I can't be," Maya said, coughing, "You and the girls are sick."

"Well, you are," Carina said, rubbing Nora's back, "We are all sick."

"She sounds bad," Maya said before she broke into her own full blown coughing fit.

"Oh bambina," Carina said, frowning.

"Do you think she needs to go to the hospital?" Maya said, getting control over her breathing.

"No," Carina said, "Not yet at least. I am going to go run a hot shower and sit in the bathroom with her."

"I'll probably join you in a minute," Maya said, "My chest is tighter than I would like."

"You need to watch that," Carina said, "This can turn into pneumonia and your lungs are bad from last time you had it."

"I know," Maya said, knowing that the bout of pneumonia she had not long before they got engaged combined with the exposure to smoke on the job made her lungs more susceptible to infections.

About three minutes after Carina went into the bathroom, Rowan woke up from a coughing fit.

"Oh, those meds have worn off haven't they," Maya said, scooping the baby up, "Let's go find Mamma and Nora and see if we can open you back up."

Rowan limply laid on Maya's shoulder, rubbing at her eyes. Maya walked to the bathroom, finding Carina and Nora sitting on the floor as hot water ran out of the shower, filling the room with steam.

"Someone else isn't sounding too good," Maya said, sitting down next to her wife.

"These poor babies," Carina said, shaking her head.

"I know," Maya said, pulling Rowan's jammies off to keep her temperature down in the warm bathroom.

All four of them sat there for close to a half an hour, both the babies just laying on their moms. Eventually, the hot water ran out, and they all left the bathroom.

"Why don't I go grab Nora a bottle while you nurse Rowan," Maya said, setting the baby down on the bed.

Carina nodded as Maya left the room. Five minutes later, she reappeared with a bottle, two bottles of water, and two glasses of juice.

"We are both dehydrated," Maya said, handing Carina the water.

The brunette nodded, drinking close to half the water as Maya scooped Nora up, popping the bottle in her mouth.

Once the babies were done eating, they both decided they had a little energy, the meds from earlier having brought their fevers down enough that they had perked up a little. Rowan climbed off Carina's lap and crawled around on the bed, playing peek a boo with Maya for a little bit. Nora didn't get off her mom's lap, but she babbled a little, clearly feeling at least slightly better.

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