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Taking Rowan and Nora to the doctor was a two man job, at least when they had to get vaccines. Neither girl enjoyed getting poked with multiple needles, obviously, and it usually required each of them to hold a crying baby. After their two and four month shots, both girls were fussy the rest of the day, but nothing more.

However, both moms knew that 6 months meant a lot of shots. They had purposely planned their appointment on a day that Carina was off the entire day so she could help out, just in case, and made the appointment for the week before Maya headed back to work.

They got the girls checked, Rowan weighing 16 lbs. 10 oz. and Nora 15 lbs. 13 oz. At birth, Ro had been smaller, but that girl loved food more than just about anything. Nora was much less interested in eating than her sister, but both of them were healthy, on the small side for their age, but healthy all the same.

The doctor gave them a thorough check before declaring both of them perfect. Then came the part both moms knew was necessary, but it didn't make it any less hard.

They found that feeding the girls during their vaccinations made it a little easier, so Carina was going to nurse Rowan while Maya fed Nora a bottle in order to try to keep them both semi calm. They got lucky and two nurses were available to do the vaccines, meaning they could get this over quickly.

As soon as the first needle pierced Nora's skin, she spit the bottle out, screaming. Rowan did the same thing and after the five shots each, both babies were beyond pissed and both moms were desperate to calm them down.

Luckily, both girls decided they were hungry enough to be soothed by food, taking milk after a few minutes. Once they had eaten, they both fell asleep quickly.

"I wish there was some way to give them these vaccines without the pain," Maya said as she secured Nora in her car seat.

"Me too," Carina said, nodding, "I hate when they are hurting."

They drove home and after they carefully transferred the girls into their cribs, Maya and Carina went downstairs. Carina had charts to catch up on and Maya some budget reports to approve for her stations, something that couldn't wait until she was back the following week.

About an hour later, they heard crying over the baby monitor, Maya running upstairs to get the girls so Carina could finish her charts.

"Good morning Patatina," Maya said, scooping up Rowan, who was always mad when she woke up, "Let's get you a fresh diaper."

Once Rowan was changed, Maya put her back in her crib with a toy for a minute so she could change Nora who was always much more chill when she woke up, often just laying in her bed, sucking on her fingers quietly.

Once both girls had fresh diapers, Maya carried them downstairs.

"Bonjorno bambinas," Carina said, smiling as Maya walked into the room with the girls, "Did you have good sleep?"

The four of them spent the next hour hanging out on the floor, the twins playing and cooing, Rowan up on her hands and knees, clearly thinking about crawling. Then, they took the girls out for a walk, each of them opting to wear the girls in carriers because it was a chillier day.

By the time they got back, it was time to feed them again and after that and a little more play time, both babies were grumpy and tired. The next time the twins woke up, it was obvious their shots were starting to bother them.

"Alright," Maya said, picking Rowan up as soon as she walked into the nursery, "Oh, Ro, you feel warm. Are you not feeling good, Patatina?"

The baby just let out a whimper, burying her face in Maya's neck.

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