Family and Friends

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On their fourth day, they had plans to meet two of Carina's old co-workers who were also married and had a four year old. Maya had met Stefano and Gia the last time she was in Italy along with their son Mateo who at the time was a baby.

They walked to the park, Carina looking around for her friends.

"There they are," Carina said, guiding Maya over to where her friends were by a little playground.

"Ciao Bella," Gia called, standing up and walking towards her friend.

"Gia," Carina smiled before noticing the obvious baby bump on her friend, "Sei Incinta?"

"Si," Gia smiled, giving Carina a hug, "Quattro mesi. And these are your figlie?"

"Si," Carina nodded, pulling back the sunshades from the car seats where both girls were sleeping, "Gia, Stefano, this is Rowan Andrea and Elenora Mason, Nora."

"They are even more beautiful in person," Gia said, "And Maya, nice to see you again."

"You too Gia," Maya smiled as the pregnant Italian gave her a hug.

"Come," Stefano said, "Mateo is playing."

The four of them sat and chatted for a little while, Mateo running over when he saw that Carina and Maya were there, excitedly telling them in Italian about the baby in his mom's tummy, Carina translating for Maya, although the blonde could figure out about 80% of what the little boy was talking about.

After about an hour, the twins both woke up and wanted out. Their moms happily obliged, Maya holding Rowan's hands while she practiced toddling around the playground while Carina pushed Nora in a swing, chatting with Gia. Stefano chased Mateo around, talking with Maya as he did so.

The four of them talked often on facetime, although now that they all had kids, it was tricky.

"So how is the new job Maya?" Stefano asked as Mateo ran up the steps to the slide.

"Good," Maya said, "The hours are much better for having a family, and I enjoy the work, even if the paperwork is boring sometimes. How is your work going? I think you told us you were about to start some new research?"

"Si," Stefano said, nodding, "Into a better stem cell transplant protocol. It has had some promising preliminary results."

Stefano was a hematologist/oncologist and Gia a pediatric surgeon. Gia was one year ahead of Carina in their residency and Stefano a year behind, but the three of them had been incredibly close.

Maya and Stefano chatted a little more before Mateo came running up, motioning for his papa to bend down. Stefano obliged and the little boy whispered in his ear.

"Si," Stefano said, nodding, "di a tua mama."

Mateo grinned and ran off.

"He wants to know is it's time for lunch," Stefano said, seeing Maya's confused look.

"Oh," Maya said, "Yeah, I guess it is."

Soon enough, they were all at a little pizzeria that was a favorite spot of the trio during their time working together.

"I think it's time the girls had their first taste of pizza in Italy," Carina said, sitting Nora in her lap.

"You have been here four days and haven't had pizza yet?" Stefano said, eyes wide.

"We did our first evening here," Carina nodded, "But the girls fell asleep and everyone has been having a hard time with the time changes so eating has been not great. They did have some pasta 'ncasciata which we could not feed them fast enough."

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