| 4 | watch your back

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one day they will come for us
like poison dripping in our blood,
you better watch your back,
you better watch your back, we're standing face to face with the hearts that turn to blackhearing footsteps in your sleep
all this darkness underneath
the shadows are haunting us
- Sam Tinnez


- Nicolas -

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- Nicolas -


I sat on my throne and watched as the king's daughter was escorted out by soldier Orestes. Reluctantly, she looked at her weapons scattered on the floor, then they both disappeared. The slamming of the great door echoed throughout the hall.

Slowly I stood up, crossed the room to the window, and propped my hands on the marble window ledge. I looked outside. The clouds in the sky had darkened, fog was slowly gathering, heavy rain was announcing itself. I looked at the tops of the village houses.

It was only a matter of time before Cephas attacked our kingdom as well. Until he was not only satisfied with my parents' heads, but also wanted mine.

I closed my eyes and thought of that night when they had fallen. When I opened my eyes again, my hands, clenched into fists, were burning. Before all this, I never thought I could feel such anger and hatred. I could feel the hatred darkly clutching and squeezing my heart.

With a thud, I turned away, the fire in my palms instantly extinguished. Were the king's daughter's abilities to blame for me suddenly thinking about my feelings?

Furious, I left the throne room, the door slamming loudly behind me. A guard rushed over and bowed to me. Before he could even begin speaking, I interrupted him. "Return the guards to their normal posts. The suspect has been apprehended. Continue patrolling the woods and let me know as soon as anything unusual happens."

"Yes, Honored King Nicolas Talesin Artemas of Cadwallader," the man in uniform replied, bowed again, and then hurried away.

Without hesitation, I made my way to the dungeon. I went down the long, dark staircases and passed the guards, who bowed to me. I pulled out the key to the prison cells from a hiding place in my armor. No one but me possessed the keys. I trusted no one.

I unlocked the door and entered the spacious cell. It was not so big for the pleasure of the inmates, but so that one had enough space to torture.

"Don't you feel like talking today either?" I asked, tilting my head and looking at the spy hanging on the wall that we had caught yesterday in the nearby woods.

The blood from his wounds had dried by now. His face swollen, covered with blue and purple bumps and marks. He looked motionless at the ground.

I pulled up a chair, sat down, leaned back, and crossed my arms at the back of my head. For a few seconds I pondered what I could do with him today. My problem was that there was no way I could kill him. Patience and letting him live were not exactly my strong points.

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