| 32 | raise hell

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If I cannot bend heaven, I will raise hell. -Unknown


- Cephas -

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- Cephas -


It was certainly an amusing affair to look out of the tower window. It filled me with the utmost satisfaction to watch two kingdoms destroy themselves in an attempt to overthrow Tenebris.

Their few magical friends would hardly help them. They were utterly useless against my unstoppable army, which continued to grow while the number of enemies steadily dwindled.

For a small moment, I averted my eyes from the view and looked at the glass of wine in my right hand. With small movements, I circulated the rest of the blood-red drink in the glass. When the armies of Spero and Sanguis had destroyed themselves, I would send my remaining soldiers to the kingdoms to capture them. Then I would occupy them with my advisors, under the flag of Tenebris. The population would work hard for me in return for my protection over them.

And eventually, when the time was right, I would replace those advisors with my own children. The line of Vitruvius would rule the entire land, for eternity. History books would write of a powerful man who had finally subjugated the magical beings and made humans superior. Every single one of them would know my name until eternity. Cephas Devereux Pharoah of Vitruvius.

"Holy King Cephas," a croaky, weak voice interrupted my thoughts.

For a moment longer I stared into the glass of wine. Then I averted my eyes and slowly turned my head to the left.

The witch was kneeling on the floor with her hands pressed to the ground. Wet sweat shone on her face. She was even paler than usual, almost gray. Blood-soaked bandages were still wrapped around Xerxa's chest. I wonder if the wound had opened up again. Whether the heart was still struggling?

But that was meaningless. As long as Xerxa kept fighting and was capable enough to keep a puny, stinking organ inside. Hopefully I hadn't picked the wrong witch. Then again, she had been the only one willing to stand up to her sisters. Others of her kind had not relented even after the most brutal torture.

"What is it?", I finally echoed.

"My raven," the witch groaned under heavy breathing.

I looked to the open window, in front of which Xerxa was kneeling. A pitch-black bird sat on the window frame and promptly stared at the witch.

The witch straightened up a little. "He saw Nicolas with a woman in his arms. They then approached the back entrance with a small squad."

"There are countless guards positioned there," I replied calmly.

Xerxa looked at me now, and I again was disgusted with the sight of her black eyes. "They have our dragon with them," she spoke.

They have our dragon with them? And not in the sense that it was chasing them to set them on fire? How was that possible? We had spent a whole decade taming the beast. And now it changed sides just like that?

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