| 31 | her name will be fearless

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Her name will be fearless; and in all the stories my daughter shall hear, it will not be princes that slay the dragons, but little girls that believe in magic, with big, brave hearts and even bigger dreams. She will learn to rely on her own sword in every battle, in every struggle, in every war, because she will learn how to devour every single monster  from their very core. - Nikita Gill


- Victorine -

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- Victorine -


The further I progressed, the more the heat of the fire enveloped me like a cloak that tugged itself further and further around me. Its collar closed around my neck and squeezed ever tighter.

My thick armor was heavy, but I did not allow myself to rest even for a moment. Our soldiers were being slaughtered up ahead. I had to help them while Nicolas and his troops took care of Cephas. Although I had no regrets, I wished that I could have accompanied him.

I did not know what would happen to Crescentia. Whether Nicolas would spare my sister for me. Whether she would be hurt because she might try to protect Cephas.

Likewise, I did not know where my brother was or how he was doing. I could only trust that his closest troop would protect him.

With clenched teeth I walked on and approached the action from the side. As I turned a corner, I faltered. A soldier wearing Sanguis' armor was dragging himself along a wall of houses. He wasn't just limping. He was hopping. At a second glance, I realized he was missing a leg. The man left a long trail of dark red blood on the uneven stone floor.

A demon now appeared in my field of vision, but its concentration was completely on the injured soldier. While the deformed, pitch-black figure ran after the man, I sprinted toward the action. Too late, the demon turned to me. My sword was already stuck in his abdomen. With a strong jerk I pulled my sword to the side and tore open the demon's belly.

I quickly jumped back a step in case the creature should lunge at me. But it did not. With empty eyes it remained standing in front of me, while the contents of its stomach ran out. The smell was horrible. An iron shoe fell to the floor with a clanking sound, slapping the oozing mass of blood and guts.

Acid rose up my throat as I saw the image of the leaping man in my mind's eye. I quickly flipped up the protection of my helmet. The last thing I wanted to do was vomit into my own helmet. The contents of my own stomach, however, fortunately remained in my body in the end. In the meantime, the demon in front of me had collapsed and the soldier had disappeared.

I had to concentrate again. With all my strength I tried to ignore the horrible screams from what was happening about two turns ahead and looked around. Then I made my way through the first abandoned house to climb onto the roof with Vane, as I had done before.

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