| 9 | sound off the sirens

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trouble is closing in, I can feel the ground trembling, shivers on my skin, if you shut your eyes, better hold em tight, I hear a roll of thunder, fear tryin to take us under, it's shaking everything now,
sound off the sirens,  we're in the fire,
sound off the sirens, it's do or die
-Sam Tinnez


- Nicolas -

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- Nicolas -


After less than thirty minutes we were getting closer and closer to the dense, dark cloud cover. Icy and strong winds were coming up, and the water was getting choppier.

I stood at the railing and folded my arms. The dragons above us were now veering away from our lane and taking a detour to avoid the storm.

"Why aren't we following them?", asked Victorine suddenly behind me, who had been watching the flying creatures as well.

"Because the route is not traversable. It's all surrounded by sharp stone floors. We would run aground," Vane answered her.

The wind was now whizzing in our faces and I was having trouble understanding them both. It was beginning to rain.

"You should go below deck," Vane suddenly shouted.

Alarmed, I turned to him and looked at his serious expression, then I knew what he meant. I heard it. I heard it.

"Come with me," I ordered, grabbing Victorine by the arm to pull her along with me.

She tried to pull away from me, but then gave up and stumbled after me. We ran across the deck and almost slipped, running down the stairs and slamming the hatch shut.

"What's going on?" asked Orestes, who was clustered around the small table with the rest of the troop.

"Sirens," I answered curtly. "We should be safe here."

"Sirens?" repeated Victorine in a shocked tone. I realized I still had a tight grip on her forearm and quickly released it.

"They'll tear the crew to pieces," Tryphosa interjected, standing up.

"They're sailors, they should know something about sirens," another soldier interjected.

"They didn't look very prepared!" exclaimed Victorine accusingly.

My word quickly ended the discussion. "We're going to wait and see. We can't risk any deaths, at least not ours."

So we waited. And soon we heard horrible screams and sounds of fighting. Annoyed, I closed my eyes. I had really hoped that the sailors could do this on their own. I knew exactly what was coming now.

"We're going out," Victorine decided without hesitation and grabbed her weapons.

Of course. "No way. You're staying here, that's an order," I thundered, cursing her stubborn expression.

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