| 27 | the song of war

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Never before had the song of war been the song of hope ascending
- L.L. Tyrell


- Victorine -

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- Victorine -


Nicolas looked at me for a few seconds. His decision would decide the course of everyone's destiny.

"How are you so sure?" he asked now, instead of pronouncing a decision.

"I've seen Cepha's troops. There are far too many of them. You have to believe me, Nicolas," it poured out of me so quickly and desperately that my words were barely intelligible. "They are not only people. But also beings, not from this world. He didn't just create some with the heart, he's bringing them out of the underworld."

From the expression on his face, I couldn't even tell if he believed me. He seemed to be weighing his options. Trusting me and getting us to safety. Or to abandon forever his deepest desire to overthrow Cephas. I suppressed the urge to look into his mind because he would probably notice and I didn't want to make him angry right now.

The tension was so thick in the air that it penetrated through my skin into the depths of my body. The world seemed to stand still, waiting for his decision - until suddenly my name was called.

I whirled around to the front. Toward the direction where the village walls lay in the distance.

It was Hekate. She flew towards me on the huge raven, the second bird flew after her and landed in front of me as well. The witch towered above us. The black eyes gave away nothing, no feeling or emotion. "Cephas sends his first troop, Victorine."

There was no fear or dread in her voice. But something else that I was unable to name.

I heard the soldiers stomping on the ground behind us, stepping into position and drawing their swords.

"One moment!", I commanded Sanguis' army without looking back. Then I swung myself onto the free raven, whereupon it flew me a few meters higher and I could see better.

Cephas's first army had lined up in the entrance of the huge stone village walls. At first they were just dark little dots in the distance. As I approached and I could make out the figures, my blood froze in my veins. I gasped for air, then sour liquid came up my esophagus and a horrified shudder overcame my body, only to immediately expel the knowledge I had gained.

They spread out and I was unable to do anything. They lined up in rows in front of the walls. They blocked the entrance. Nicolas, who was on the ground below me and had approached with his army, had drawn his sword. But when he realized he too was unable to give an order.

The troops of Sanguis and Spero arrived below me and stopped at a distance of a few meters in front of Cephas' first army.

They were children. Women. Old and injured people.

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