| 7 | one for sorrow

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One  for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy, five for  silver, six for gold, seven for a secret never to be told, eight's a  kiss, nine's a wish, ten's a bird you should never miss.
- Unknown



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- Cephas -


Barefoot, the woman stood before me. Her dress was dirty. The blubbery, swollen eyelids were downcast. Her trembling, quivering body knelt on the ice-cold floor.

I leaned back in my throne. "Again. How can it be that one of my most honorable spies has not returned from his journey?"

The woman began to cry. Almost silently. Her shoulders jerked up and down. Weakly.

"Answer me," I demanded.

"I-I don't know, H-Holy King Cephas Dever-"

"Stop," I interrupted. "Because of you, I'm just wasting more time. If you're hiding anything from me, I'll have your children beheaded in front of you."

"I'm not hiding anything," she continued to cry.

I grimaced. "I'm afraid that didn't convince me. Bring them in."

"What?" she groaned breathlessly. I looked with delight into her dark eyes, wide with terror.

A door to the side of me was opened and two little boys were pushed in. But I hardly paid any attention to them. I only saw the woman who freely presented her horror in her eyes to me. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

Annoyed, I stood up and slowly walked towards her children. "Hmm," I made. "Which one of you do you think your mommy loves more?"

"No, please!" the woman behind me began to yell, at which point I turned back around expectantly. "So?"

"I don't know anything about anything. I have no idea where my husband is. By God, I swear! But I'm sure I can find out something. Let them go and I'll get some information, I can-" She choked on her own words, stared at my face and became even more frantic. "I swear it, I don't know anything! I don't know anything!"

Pityingly, I looked at her. Hope flashed in her eyes.

"That still didn't convince me."

I waved my hand and took a step to the side as the head of some one of her children was cut off behind me. The head rolled down the stairs with muffled sounds. Concerned, I looked down, but my cloak had not been splattered with blood.

"No!" Thewoman's horrible scream rang throughout the hall. The other boy was screaming like a banshee, so much so that I wanted to wave my hand again.

"The other one stays here. Your husband can pick him up when he returns. That's my final offer," I generously shared.

Their screaming and howling hurt my ears.

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