| 19 | dancing in a burning room

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My dear, we are slow dancing
in a burning room



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- Cephas -


I had my eyelids down, breathing deeply in and out.

When I opened my eyes again and found myself in Tenebris' witch room, I smiled. "Good job, Xerxa."

Because of her, I could be brought back to Tenebris as quickly as possible. It would take my remaining army a few more days to get from the mountains to here. But that was nothing to worry about. After all, very soon I would have a crueler, even more powerful army.

The witch, whom I heard breathing heavily behind me, did not answer me. Instead, I heard her walking toward me.

"Do you have it?" she groaned out from beside me.

"Of course I have it," I replied. What a question. I was getting everything I wanted. I was so powerful that soon the whole world would be at my feet.

Slowly, I pulled out the bloody organ. Since it had left the body of the primordial witch, it had been motionless and silent.

Xerxa seemed to float towards the heart as if hypnotized. Her deep black eyes fixed on it, her hands with the long fingers greedily reached out for it. The sight disgusted me. Witches were truly wretched. Spawns of hell.

"No," I objected, removing the heart from her sight. "We've discussed this. You need to recover first. The last few days have taken a lot of magic out of you."

It wasn't that I cared about her life. It was just that she was the only witch far and wide who was willing to go against her own kind. All the other witches had been loyal enough to die rather than betray their sisters.

Xerxa had even done so with joy. Because she wanted the heart of the original witch. To be the most powerful of all witches.

And whoever ruled the most powerful witch in the world was the most powerful man on earth.

"Farther, we will wait for few days," I ordered. "Then we will insert your heart, Xerxa."



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