| 5 | stars have no power over her

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When they told her her story was written in the stars, she went to the heavens and crushed each one with her bare hands.
Stars have no power over her,
the night sky is hers now, and she will carve it with constellations of her own.


- Victorine -

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- Victorine -


For a few seconds, there was complete silence in the corridors. Nicolas stared at me for a few seconds.

"Excuse me?" he then asked.

"I said that I would not tell you."

Suddenly, he took a step forward, while his hand also shot out and forcefully clasped my throat. Anger spurted from his eyes. I could still breathe, his hand did not completely squeeze. Not yet.

"You first think carefully about who you are standing in front of and then you will have the chance to answer my question again," he hissed, squeezing a little harder.

I could feel my oxygen slowly being cut off, but I wasn't afraid. There was no question of me telling him what Cephas wanted. Because then he wouldn't need me anymore, would get rid of me and look for it on his own.

But I had to come along. I had to invade Cephas' kingdom while Sanguis was attacking it. And then I had to, no, I would, free my sister.

"So?" asked Nicolas. He pressed harder and I slowly gasped. Continuing, I looked steadfastly into his green, seemingly poisonous eyes. After a few seconds, black dots danced in front of my vision.

Stay strong. For Crescentia. For my little sister.

Nicolas was about to kill me.

That would be anything but tactically wise, but I felt his anger more than overpowering as I looked into his eyes.

I saw darkness, a storm. I saw Cephas in Nicola's eyes. He rode from kingdom to kingdom to subjugate them. A blurry image of a throne room flitted through my vision.

"Don't you dare read my mind!" roared Nicolas. In the next moment, I felt his hand detach from my neck, rest against my forehead, then the back of my head slammed hard against the stone wall behind me.

Pain shot through the affected area and though I regained my breath, gasping greedily for it, I blacked out again.

"Get her out of my sight," the king demanded as I held my hands to the aching back of my head and slid down the cold wall.

My entire head hurt. Incredibly sharp, stabbing pain shot through the back of my head and I wondered if I had suffered a concussion. For far too short a time I sat there holding my head, and then I was pulled up roughly. "Come with me," I heard Orestes' voice faintly among the loud sounds of throbbing and blood rushing.

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