| 36 | scream

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scream so that one day
a hundred years from now
another sister will not have to dry her tears wondering where in history she lost her voice - jasmin kaur


- Vindicta -

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- Vindicta -


I had made the long way to the highest tower room of the castle, killing everyone who had stood in my way.

It was a pity that Cephas had not been among these people. The cowardly cockroach had surely been hiding somewhere. But Nicolas and his troop would look for him while I took care of Xerxa.

It was not far now. I felt myself getting closer and closer to the presence of my former sister. With my right hand, I felt for the injury on my back. On the way here, a soldier had hit me with an arrow just above my shoulder blade and I had had to pull the iron tip out with one hand. Hopefully the wound would not slow me down any further.

When I pushed open the door of sturdy dark wood at the bottom of a flight of stairs and entered the round tower room, I found Xerxa standing in front of the open window, both hands resting on the sill. The raven on her shoulders had turned around to face me and was staring at me with dark eyes.

Judging from her posture, I suspected that she was not at full strength. Which was not too much of a miracle to me. Within a very short time, she got not only transplanted the heart of the primordial witch, she had also used it. And to an extraordinary degree.

"Xerxa," I finally spoke, closing the door behind me again without taking my eyes off the witch.

"Vindicta," replied the witch, who, unlike me, was not dressed in black wrappings. She had a tight, white bandage tightened around her chest, wore a long, dark red skirt, and stood with bare feet on the wooden floor.

"It's over, Xerxa," I tried gently at first. "You've suffered enough. Let's get this over with quickly."

I didn't know what reaction I was hoping for, but Xerxa's bright laughter surprised me somewhat. She then snorted, but less snidely and more amused. "Do you know what it took for me to finally reach my destination? You don't think I'm just going to let you have the heart now, do you?"

"That's your destination?", I quietly echoed. "You're looking outside right now, Xerxa. That can't be what you want."

"It's exactly what I want," the witch countered, turning her head over her shoulder for the first time to look at me with her blood-red eyes. I was a little frightened by the color. There had once been a time when her eyes had beamed a soft green at us witches.

With an uneasy feeling in my chest, I waited. My chances of ending this quickly, peacefully and unscathed were dwindling.

Xerxa twisted the corners of her mouth into a fake smile. "There's one thing you haven't understood, you and everyone else. The heart can not only create life. Through it, we can also kill. All those who have done terrible things to us."

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