| 25 | you've run out of time

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do you think you can hide
do you believe the lies
twisted up in your mind
you've run out of time time time
- Hidden Citizens


- Victorine -

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- Victorine -


That very night we had written letters to our kingdoms.

Nicolas had instructed the people who were temporarily in charge of Sanguis during his absence to get all the troops ready and to send them to Tenebris as soon as possible.

I had written to my brother Darius and told him everything. How I had set out. How I had made it to Tenebris. Had told him about my meeting with Crescentia, leaving out no detail. And I had informed him that Cephas was planning to have Sanguis attacked.

It was a tactical move by Cephas. Our kingdom of Spero had been weakened since the last attack and was easily defeated, but Cephas did not know that Nicolas was not in Sanguis. Cephas probably believed that Nicolas and his armies would come to Spero's aid again, just like the last attack.

He wanted to wipe out the second most powerful kingdom of Sanguis first, and then proceed with the third most powerful Spero. And nothing would dissuade him from this plan because he now had an unstoppable army. Unless, of course, we preempted his attack.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and watched the warm light of sunrise through the window. Sighing, I ran my hands down my face and over my bald head. In the middle of the night I had woken up in a cold sweat, dreaming of my parents and Crescentia.

Since I had set out on this journey, I had had a goal. I had focused only on saving my sister. Now I no longer had that goal and I began to worry more about everything that had happened.

I was aware that I had not grieved properly. This was now catching up with me with every free minute. The pain in my chest was sometimes almost unbearable. My parents were gone. Deidamia was gone. And Crescentia I had lost for what seemed like an eternity ago.

I didn't know if I could ever return home. If I could return to the place where I had spent my whole life with my parents, Crescentia and Deidamia.

I didn't even know if my life was even worth living once this war was over.

Exhaling deeply, I got out of bed and pushed those thoughts away. Now I was not allowed to think about it yet. Now I still had a task. The purpose of my life was at least to stop Cephas and save the lives of thousands of people.

After dragging myself to the bathroom and then dressing, I entered the hallway and the dining room.

Vane was sitting on the wide windowsill looking down into the backyard. Apparently he had not touched breakfast, for his dishes were still neatly in place.

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