| 15 | dragons

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So comes snow after fire
and even dragons have their endings.
- J.R.R. Tolkien


- Victorine -

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- Victorine -


For a brief moment, black dots danced through my vision, then the world darkened before my eyes. A bright, agreeing sound echoed in my ears.

I tried to fight my way back to orientation and stretched out my arms. My fingers palpated leathery skin. Suddenly, light shot through my field of vision, for a tiny moment. Then again. The object in front of me moved a little.

And as I began to realize what was going on, the sound in my ears grew duller, then was replaced by sounds of screeching. One of them came from Deidamia.

Cold shock ran through my entire body. The attacking creatures had caught us, I had been thrown off the dragon's back. They had hit her on the right wing.

As if in confirmation, warm blood now dripped down on me. It ran into my eyes and I wiped it from my field of vision. I noticed the taste of iron in my mouth as I squeezed out a little between Deidamia's hot body and her wing.

I recognized about five creatures in my severely limited field of vision alone. They kept flying at the dragon, aiming for eyes and the wings, biting into her skin and tearing out pieces. And yet Deidamia did not try to flee across the ground.

She fought off the creatures with her right wing and fire. Without stopping, she spewed flames. The air around us heated up. I tried to squeeze out of the gap even more, but instantly Deidamia pressed her wing tighter, almost cutting off my air.

No. Desperation drove through me and I tried to free myself with all my might.

I pressed against the injured wing, feeling warm fluid, bare flesh and bone against my fingers. I braced myself with my feet and tried to push myself out upwards, but all this was of no use.

"Deidamia, no!", I screamed, pounding my fists against them. But I was just as stuck as before.

The creatures shrieked aggressively and I felt them bumping against the injured wing that protected me. It was getting noticeably hotter around me. She defended my side by fire, neglecting its other.

"No!", I shouted once again, feeling tears spring to my eyes. With all my might, I pulled my sword out of the squeezed area and after what seemed like an eternity, finally managed to thrust it through her wing, screaming. She flinched. But she didn't let up.

"No, no, Deidamia, I beg you!", I cried howling, a huge knot stuck in my throat and almost taking away my oxygen.

She sacrificed her life to protect me.

And for a moment I was paralyzed and pushed into the basement. I rolled and rolled to safety while they murdered my mother. Felt the helplessness and pure desperation to help overtaken by dull, numbing feelings. Breathing became harder and harder.

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