| 21 | the child who is not embraced

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The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth
-african proverb


- Crescentia -

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- Crescentia -


After my brother had rushed after my father like a dependent puppy and my mother was once again in a secret one-on-one conversation with her dearest daughter, I secretly stole away.

It wouldn't be as if anyone had paid much attention to me anyway. Which made my plan a lot easier.

Finally, the time had come. Finally, after all the years of waiting and planning. My heart was beating so hard that it threatened to burst out of my chest.

In the basement of the castle, I hurried to the end of the hallway, turned once more, and then with difficulty pushed aside the heavy, completely inconspicuous cabinet standing against the wall.

I looked around once more for safety's sake before firmly pressing one of the uneven bricks.

With a soft click, the brick clicked into place, triggering the mechanism that caused a section of the stone wall the size of a door to reset and slide aside.

I refrained from pushing the cabinet halfway forward again and entered the dark, small room. I lit one of the torches from the walls and flipped the lever that closed the stone door behind me again.

Only briefly I looked around the room with its wealth of gold and jewelry. All that was just camouflage. The place where you would least suspect a secret switch for a hidden room would probably be in a hidden room itself.

So I pushed aside the round, red carpet in the middle of the room. The hatch was barely visible, so perfectly had it been carved into the floor. I pressed on an uneven part of the floor, whereupon the handle emerged from the hatch.

Finally I was able to open it, put the torch in my mouth and began to climb down the ladder. Then I ran along the damp passage, at the end of which I had only to operate a mechanism once more to make the rocky stone wall in front of me open.

Then I looked into a pair of icy eyes through the narrow gap of the iron helmet he wore.

At my sight he removed his head armor and showed me his bitter face with its thin lips and long scar above his right eyebrow.

"You did well," he praised me, stepping closer and pressing his lips to mine.

I didn't need praise. I didn't need a damn well done, like I was a kid and like this was even remotely challenging for me. The only thing I needed right now was his soldiers in Spero.

I put my free hand on his shoulders and returned the kiss while trying my best to give myself to him completely. Adding a passionate touch that made me pine for him.

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