| 33 | I shall not bow

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Kill me if you must, but I shall not bow to a king who wears a crown studded with the jewels of every life he has ended. -Unknown


- Victorine -

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- Victorine -


I was dragged across the castle. I was dragged down corridors and stairs. All previous attempts to escape had failed on the way so far. I had not been able to roll out of the formation between their feet. I had been able to take his sword from one of the men, but had not been quick enough to thrust it through the slit in his helmet.

Forcibly, I was dragged down another flight of stairs. A stone staircase that ended at a dark corridor with stone walls. One of the soldiers lit a torch and made light to our way. I considered grabbing it and making use of it somehow. But we were separated by two more soldiers who were between us.

When cells appeared to the left and right, enclosed by metal bars, I could no longer deny it. We were in the dungeon.

Once I was behind bars, I would never get out. I was absolutely sure of that.

We walked a few more steps. I tried to ignore the half emaciated people behind the bars next to me. My gaze was fixed forward as I gathered my strength.

The cells were getting bigger now. Torture cells. You needed space for torture.

The men stopped. One took out a jingling key. But as if the soldiers sensed that I was planning something, they now gripped me much tighter. To the left and to the right, one each had my arm encircled. I could hardly move and could only stumble along as they pushed me forward.

Then I was already in the cell. I turned around again, tried to ram my way out and hit the key in the lock so it would break off and they couldn't lock me in.

But I was just pushed backwards again. I tripped over my own feet and landed on the floor with a crashing sound. The barred door in front of me slammed shut and locked.

"We didn't tie her up," one of the soldiers replied, now flipping up the face shield of his helmet.

"I'm glad that bitch is finally behind bars at all," another one sneered back. "So I'm certainly not going in to tie her up. Go get a kid."

A kid? Puzzled, I scrambled to my feet, ignoring the pain throughout my body. A child was supposed to tie me up?

Two soldiers broke away from the group. I stepped closer to the bars and watched them walk back down the hallway. They barked a few commands, then I heard a cell door open.

The soldiers were dragging a boy towards me. His face was smeared with dirt. There was dried blood on his temple and a huge bruise. Protesting, with anger in his eyes, he tried to free himself from the soldiers' grip. I flinched as the men shoved the boy forward and slammed him against the bars.

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