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Why is it so true 😭

TW: F* slur, cussing.

Luz's POV

Walking through the halls of the Emperor's Coven, I can't get what happened last night out of my head.

'You're just putting my position on the line!'

'I don't like you! I never have, never will!'

Would she have said the same thing if Amity knew I was Luz? 


I open the door to the training room, and walk inside. Looking around I don't see a lot of people, which surprises me.

I walk over to Amity and see her with a unmistakable pink-skinned witch and pink hair put in a bun.


"There you are, Lucia." Amity looks like she's concerned, but I won't buy it. 

I left my mask in my room, so I drank two potions today.

"Yeah," I reply bluntly. Amity tilts her head to the side a bit as Boscha holds out a hand for me to shake.

"The name's Boscha," she says. I grab her hand and shake it.


Boscha's eyes widen and I know I've given myself away.

Luckily, Amity had already walked off.

"Luz?! What are you doing here?!" She almost yells. "Keep your voice down!" I push her to one of the corners of the room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. "Well, y'know, I was just walking and someone kidnapped me, and took me here," Boscha says sarcastically.

"Why is Amity here?" 

Boscha looks at me sympathetically for a moment before she sighs. "Once you left, there was nothing for Amity. So she started listening to her parents, and she ended up here. Once she told me she was joining the Emperor's Coven, I decided to tag along." Boshca pins me against the wall with her hand on my neck. "So why did you leave?!" She whisper-yells.

I scoff. "Only if you knew."

"Tell me, human!" Boscha pushes her hand farther into my neck. "Fine. I had to leave and go back home. It was nearing the end of Summer and my ma- mother..." I shake my head. "She sent me to a 'Discipline Camp'. Really she just sent me to a place where they beat me and starved me. Then they trained me for the Army, to become an assassin. They didn't stop until you were tip top shape, no matter how many beatings it took."

"I watched a kid die there. They beat him to death."

I shudder as the memory replays in my head.

"What are you doing?! Stop! Can't you see you're hurting him?!"  I yell as I struggle against the stronger kid who holds me back.

"Shut up or you'll be next!" Another adult yells. 

The adult continues to beat the child, and I finally free myself of the bigger kids' grasp. 

I run to the kid on the floor, and pick his head up. 

"Hey, it's oka-" All I feel is pain. The adult kicks me off of the kid, and glares at me. "You take care of that one, I'll take care of this one."

He steps closer and closer until he's the only thing I can see.

"You should've stayed at home."

A Human In The Emperor's CovenWhere stories live. Discover now