Maybe Luz Did Deserve To Die

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3rd person

Maybe Luz did deserve to die.

There was nothing to live for. Except maybe Amity. But she doesn't care about Luz that much. Or at least Luz thought.

The guard continues to drag her paralyzed body along the forest floor. She could still hear, but she couldn't move or speak. Maybe that was for the best.

Everyone always told her to shut up. She never did until now.

The doors of the Emperor's castle slam open to reveal Kikimora. The two guards bow down to her, and she draws a spell, and Luz's body levitates in the air.

The two guards go their separate ways, and Kikimora goes hers with Luz behind her in a navy blue bubble.

"The Emperor will be happy to see you," Kikimora says, her clawed feet hitting the floor with a splat-like sound.

If only Luz could summon her staff. But the parallelization spell was far to powerful.

Kikimora laughs and stops in the middle of the hallway, turning to face Luz.

"You will die a long, painful death. Something you deserve." 

Kikimora turns around again, and continues her walk.

She knocks on the Emperor's door, and it slowly opens to reveal Belos, and the beating Titan heart above him.

"Ah, Luz the human is finally back. I see you survived my first attempt to kill you."

He knows Luz has just been paralyzed. Of course he does, he probably told the guards to do it.

"Send her to the dungeon. I'll take care of her later." Kikimora nods and bows, then walks out of the room and downstairs.

There, she opens a door and the bubble floats into the room, and disappears, and Luz, still paralyzed, falls on her face.

Kikimora slams the door shut with a smirk on her face.

Maybe Luz was useless. A waste of air.

Maybe Luz did deserve to die.

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