I Love You

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3rd person:

Luz wakes with a groan, her leg throbbing and her headache getting worse by the second.

Amity hears and rushes over to her side, grabbing her hand and stroking it with her finger. "Hey, Luz." Amity smiles.

"Hi.. Amity," Luz says through her pain. "How long was I out?" 

"Not to long. A few hours at most. You broke your leg and Eda tried to fix it. It should be better by tonight."

Luz nods her head, closing her eyes once again.

"Luz?" Amity asks. "Yeah?"

"Why didn't you tell me it was you earlier?" Luz shrugs in response, her eyes still closed. "I just didn't think I needed to."

"But you let me do all those horrible things to you. How are you even talking to me right now?"

"Because I love you." Luz's eyes spring open and she quickly sits up. "Er, I mean. I love you. As a friend." Luz gives Amity a nervous smile, noticing her face and ears were a pink color.

"Amity, are you okay?" Amity just nods, then stands up and walks out of the room, leaving a very confused Luz alone.

After a few minutes Eda comes into the room, a pill and a cup of water in her head.

"Hey. I brought you some Tylenol. Figured you'd have a headache."

Eda hands Luz the pill and water, which she takes easily.

"How far did I fall?" Luz asks, handing the cup back to Eda, who shrugs. "I'm not sure. I was inside. Amity came and told me."

Luz nods in acknowledgement.

"Eda, Belos knows it's me. He tried to kill me. And I don't doubt he'll try again if he gets the chance."

Eda's eyebrows furrow in thought. "I guess we'll have to keep that from happening then."

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