She Called Me Amity

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TW: Mild cussing, mention of rape.

Amity's POV

How could Lucia just quit? Just like that? Lucia would've won, too. But she didn't.


Walking back to my room, those questions hang in my head.

Before I could reach her room, however, someone pulls me in by my waist. 

"Hey, babe," a deep voice says, sending shivers down my spine.

"N-Not now, Kilow." I turn to face him, and a whiff of alcohol hits me like a freight train. "Why not? C'mon, just a little fun wouldn't hurt anyone." He smirks and brings his face closer to mine.

"No, Kilow." He puts his hand on my neck, shoving me into a wall, choking me.

"I said. Let's have a little fun." His smirk widens and he once again brings his face closer to mine.

"She said no," a new voice says. 


"Oh yeah? And who are you?" Kilow asks. "Someone who you don't wanna mess with," Lucia replies.

I just watch, to scared to move.

Kilow releases his grip on me, and takes a step closer to Lucia.

"Where's your mask? You're supposed to wear it at all times." Lucia scoffs. "So? I don't see you wearing one."

Kilow thrusts his fist out towards Lucia's face, and he makes contact. Her head swings to the side, and stays there for a moment before she looks back at him with a growing crooked smile.

"Is that all you got?" She teases, licking her lips. "Lucia, don't-" Kilow holds up a hand, and I snap my mouth shut. "I'll deal with you later."

Kilow tries to take another swing, but misses as Lucia takes a step to the side, dodging him.

Lucia takes a swing, hitting him square in the face. Kilow takes a few steps back, his hand over his bleeding nose.

"You bitch-" Kilow runs at Lucia and tackles her, both of them rolling around on the floor.

After a few moments, Lucia ends up on top and she punches Kilow in the face again, placing her hand on his neck, choking him.

"Touch her again, see what happens." Lucia's voice is laced with venom, and Kilow's eyes widen. "O-okay, I'll leave her alone!"

Lucia gets up, giving him a hand which he takes. "Good."

Kilow runs off, leaving Lucia and I alone.

"What's up with him?" Lucia asks. I don't reply, I just stand there.

Luz's eyebrows furrow in concern as she steps towards me, tilting my face up.

"You okay, Miss Blight?" Luz's voice is soft, much unlike Kilow's. 

I push Lucia's hand off of my face and look away. "I don't need you to help me."

Lucia doesn't answer for a moment, and I look at her. She looks... hurt.

"Oh, yeah? So you wanted me to just watch. Watch you get raped? You know that's what would've happened if I hadn't shown up."

"Yeah? So be it! I don't like you, Lucia. I never have, never will. No matter how many times you help me, or save me. All you're doing is putting my position on the line! You don't know how much I want this!" I scream. I know I've gone to far, but I don't have the guts to take it back.

A tear falls down Luz's cheek and my lips part in surprise.

"You don't want this. You never did. I know you, Amity. Or at least I thought I did." Luz shakes her head gently.

"See you tomorrow, Miss Blight."

Luz walks away, and my hands hang at my sides.

'She called me Amity.'

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