Freeing Luz (1)

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Everyone needs this picture.

3rd person:

Amity smiles at Vee, and shakes her hand.

"So what's the plan?" Willow asks, looking between the two with her eyebrows raised.

"We have to get Luz back." Vee looks at Amity for her to continue, but she just stares at Vee in response.

"That's all I got."

Vee and Willow groan, slapping their hands' over their faces' at the same time. "Wait where's Gus?" Amity asks, now looking at Willow.

"Oh, he's at home. He still doesn't like Boscha."

Amity makes an 'O' shape with her mouth.

"Well we need him. He's getting better at illusions and with him and Vee, we'd be practically unstoppable."

"Uh.. About that, Willow.. Belos has gotten more powerful. He takes the magic from palismans'. But, he has some type of disease. So he's not as powerful as he makes himself out to be."

Willow nods in acknowledgement, and looks at the ground, deep in thought.

"Well let's go get... Gus? Now."

"We have to be quick."

The three set off to find Gus, Willow in the lead.


I'm disappointed in myself at how short this is.

My writer's block has caught up to me.

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