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3rd person:

Both Lucia and Amity woke early in the morning. Not because they were supposed to, they just chose to.

So it was coincidence they both walk out of their room at the same time.

"Good morning, Miss Blight," Lucia says, bowing. "T-Thanks." Amity replies with a nod.

Lucia smiles at Amity, as her mask hadn't been fixed yet so she had to go everywhere without one.

Amity looks into Lucia's eyes. They looked exactly like Luz's chocolate ones Amity had fallen in love with years ago.

"Are you okay, Miss Blight?" Lucia's voice takes her out of her daze, and she quickly nods her head in response.

"Yeah, sorry. Just thinking."

Amity summons her scroll, checking the time before starting to walk towards the door leading out of the hallway.

Before she opens the door, seeing Lucia standing in the same spot she was before. 

"Are you coming? It's always better to be earlier." Lucia nods her head and follows Amity outside of the hallway.

The castle was empty, as people don't usually wake up at 1:30 in the morning.

The two made their way through the castle quickly, only spotting Kikimora on the way, and she quickly scurried away after bowing when Lucia got close enough.

Amity knocks on the Emperor's door, and they swing open a moment later, guards standing on the other side.

"Ah, there you two are." Belos' deep voice echos around the room, the titans heart beating above him.

Amity and Lucia bow, waiting for instructions.

"I have decided to send you out early." Lucia continues to stare at the floor, and Amity nods in agreement.

"Now leave. I have work to do." Amity stands up and looks at Belos, only to see him staring at Lucia as she stands up.

Amity walks out, with Lucia right behind her.

By now only a few people were awake and walking around, but not so much as to delay them.

Amity and Lucia walk onto the moving bridge, and are on the other side in seconds.

They both summon their staffs, and fly towards the Owl House.

Amity purposefully trails behind, allowing Lucia to lead the way.

Lucia knows more than Amity thought she did.

Lucia speeds up, leaving Amity alone in the sky. 

She lands in front of the doors to the Owl House, and Hooty immediately announces her presence.

"Oh, Eda! You have visitors, hoot!" Lucia covers Hooty's mouth, and shushes him. 

"Hooty. It's me, Luz."

Hooty's eyes widen and his eyes become glossy. "Luz! You're finally back, hoot!" Hooty's voice is muffled, and Luz takes her hand away from his mouth.

He wraps his tube-like body around Luz, squeezing her. "Eda will be so happy, hoot! She misses you!"

"Shush! I'm not the only one here! Amity is coming and she doesn't know it's me!" 

Hooty's eyebrows furrow in curiosity, but he puts Luz down and returns to the door.

Brushing herself off, she stands still just as Amity lands.

"Why did you go so fast?" Amity asks. Lucia shrugs. "Because I can."

Lucia knocks on the door, and it swings open, revealing Eda.

"Oh, great. More of you. Come to take me to the Emperor's Coven?" Amity steps forward. "Yes."

Eda sighs just as Amity draws a spell circle with her finger, trapping Eda in an abomination hand.

"Amity, that's rude. You used to know her." Amity glares at Lucia. "How do you know that? You keep saying you know me, but you don't! You never have! Sure, you look like someone I know, but you don't know me!" Amity yells.

Lucia puts a hand on Amity's cheek. "I do know you. And I'm sorry. But you can't treat my mentor like this."

Amity's eyes widen just as Luz draws a sleep spell, and casts it on Amity.

The abomination hand immediately disappears, and Eda's hands fall to her sides, her eyes wide.

"Luz?" She asks.

Luz turns to face her, a smile painted on her face.

"You got it."

Eda hugs Luz, and sniffles. 

Luz laughs. A real laugh.

"Are you crying, Eda?" She pulls away from the hug, and Eda wipes the tears away with her hand.

"No, there's just some dust in my eye," Eda replies.

King comes tumbling down the stairs. No, literally.

Once he saw Luz, he ran down the stairs so fast he tripped. Then fell the rest of the way.

"Luz! You're back! My boo-boo buddy is back!" King hugs Luz's leg before she picks him up, then he hugs her face.

"Sorry to cut this short, but Luz, you better get back before you're caught. Or your girlfriend wakes up."

Luz looks at Amity's sleeping figure, her eyes softening. 

"She isn't my girlfriend. She doesn't even know who I am, like she said before."

Eda puts a hand on Luz's shoulder, giving her a small smile. "Whenever you tell her. She'll forgive you. Trust me."

"I hope so."

"I didn't make the sleep spell strong. I have to get going."

Amity groans and sits up, rubbing her head. Her eyes widen when she sees everyone in front of her.

"Lucia, what are you doing?! Get them!" Luz shakes her head as Eda puts another sleep spell on Amity.

"Eda! What was that for?" Eda shrugs. "That one was stronger. She'll wake up later. But you might want to keep an eye on her until she wakes up."

Luz sighs and carefully picks Amity up bridal style.

"I'll talk to you later, kid." Luz nods in response, and waves good-bye.

Luz mounts her staff, grabbing Amity's, and takes off.

A Human In The Emperor's CovenWhere stories live. Discover now