You Remember?

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3rd person:

"Time for your visit to Amity," Emperor Belos says from in front of Luz. "Yes, my lord." Luz bows before setting off downstairs.

The guard standing in front of the door opens it for Luz, bowing to her before shutting the door once again.

Luz immediately takes the fabric off of Amity's face, throwing it on the ground away from the two.

"What are you doing?" Amity asks, trying her best to look behind her as Luz unties the ropes binding her hands together.

"Freeing you. And Eda, and Lilith."

"So... You remember?" Luz nods and hums in agreement as she unties the last knot.

Amity rubs her now red wrists before bringing Luz into a hug.

Luz smiles, her mouth the only thing her mask doesn't cover.

(I should've specified this, Luz's mask is much like Lilith's in whatever episode she arrives in with the mask on. [The witches duel episode] Her mask doesn't cover her full face, but rather her eyes and the bridge of her nose.)

"There's a lot of things I want to tell you right now but I can't." Luz chuckles, wrapping her arms around the smaller girl in return. "Why not?"

Luz shrugs. "I don't know. The mask prevents me?"

Amity pulls away and looks Luz in the eyes. "Odd."

Amity takes a step back. "So how are we getting out of here?" Amity tilts her head to the side a bit when Luz smiles.

"Easy. Blow a hole through the wall."

Amity's mouth falls open in surprise. "Is that a joke or are you serious?"

"No, I'm serious." Amity sighs. "Okay, well how are we going to get Eda and Lilith? They're a while away."

"You're forgetting I have my staff. I'm not very good at staff magic. Yet. But I'm getting better. I can still perform a sleep spell."

Amity shrugs. "Fair enough."

"I know where Eda and Lilith are, I just need you to stay safe while I get them." Amity nods in acknowledgement and follows Luz out of the cell.

Once outside, Luz uses a sleep spell on the guard, who immediately slumps to the floor in an unconscious heap.

The two of them continue walking to the other cells, using sleep spells on any guards they meet on the way.

"Okay, wait here. Belos will send back-up soon so try not to make to much noise." Amity nods in acknowledgement and Luz runs off towards the cells.

"Luz, what are you doing here?" Kikimora asks. Luz clears her throat and stands up straight. "I came to see the other prisoners. Amity said they knew about it more than her, so I'd like to talk to them."

Kikimora looks skeptical, but she nods her head. "Very well. Give the Emperor my blessings." Luz bows. "As you wish."

Kikimora walks off, thankfully not in the direction Amity was currently waiting in.

"Oh, yay. Belos sent my kid." Eda rolls her eyes from inside her cell. "Hush, Eda The Owl Lady." Luz says, playing along until she knew for sure Kikimora was gone.

Eda scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest. "You 'hush', brat." Luz gasps and puts her hand over her chest. "Ouch."

Eda's arms fall to her side. "Wait, Luz? Is that actually you?" Luz nods and unlocks the cell door. Eda immediately hugs her, while Lilith stays in the cell. "How do we know it's actually you?"

"Well if I could take the mask off I would. But I can't really prove it. Belos has it so I can't say anything very personal. And the mask, well it's like it's glued to my face." Lilith shrugs and walks out of the cell. "It's good to have you back, human." She smiles at Luz.

"Thank you. We have to get out of here, and quick." Eda nods and follows Luz, Lilith not to far behind.

Amity spots them and smiles. 

"Okay, Luz, lead the way."

A Human In The Emperor's CovenWhere stories live. Discover now