What A Shame

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TW: Mentions of blood, cussing.

3rd person:

"It is a shame, human," Belos says, his staff in one hand and in the other, he holds Eda by her throat. "You thought you could escape me?"

Belos laughs, and steps forward. "You will pay for everything you've done. But first." Belos pauses and waves his hand, and a cloaked figure comes out from behind him.


She has one blue eye, and she has blood splatters everywhere.

"Hello, Luz." She tilts her head to the side, a piece of her hair falling over her face. "I missed you."

Her voice sounds robotic, monotone. And it scares Luz.

"A-Amity. Please come back to me."

Amity shakes her head in response, and behind her, Belos brings his hand back.

Then he plunges his clawed fingers into Amity's heart.

"Luz! Wake up!"

Luz jerks awake, sweating and shaking. She can't see very well through the tears that blur her vision.

"Luz? Are you okay?" Luz doesn't respond, but she hugs Amity tight, and the witch gladly returns the gesture.

"What happened?" Amity asks softly. Luz grips on to Amity tighter, the dream Amity still stuck in her head.

Luz was still shaking. And crying. She couldn't stop. She had to get that thing out of her head.

All she wanted to do was curl up into a little ball and disappear forever.

(Same, bestie)

Amity decides to stop asking, and she just sits there, waiting for Luz to calm down.


It took a while, but Luz had mostly stopped shaking. But she had started talking.

"S-Sorry, Amity." Luz hadn't moved, she still sat in the same spot she did before.

"It's okay. I'm here for you," Amity replies, smiling, even though Luz can't see it.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?"Amity asks, rubbing circles on Luz's back with her hand.

Luz shakes her head after a moment, mumbling something into Amity's shoulder.

"That's okay."

"Tell me when you're ready to go, and we'll go."


The two of them hadn't made much progress that day, as Luz still hasn't gotten dream Amity out of her head.

Occasionally Luz would glance at Amity, just to make sure it was really her.

Amity caught her once, but thought nothing of it.

A rustling is heard from the bushes beside Amity and Luz.

Amity draws a spell circle, standing in front of Luz protectively.

"Who's there?" Amity asks, backing farther away from the bushes so she had more time to react.

"Amity? Luz?" A voice asks.

A witch with pointy ears comes out of the bushes. Her hair is short, and she has round glasses.


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