Leave Me

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My apologies for the delay!

3rd person:

The plan was perfect. Nothing could go wrong.

Then why was Luz trying to kill Amity?

"Luz, snap out of it!" Amity yell over the sounds of the two grunting in effort. "Don't you get it, Amity?" She stops and stares at Amity with her piercing blue eyes.

"This was always going to happen. I'm human." She laughs before continuing. "I don't belong here. Belos understood that. But there you went, starting to love me. I'm incapable of love. I can't love a witch like you."

The words would've hit Amity like a stone, but she knew it was Belos talking, and not Luz.

Belos in Luz's body continues to fight Amity, while in Luz's mind, she's fighting her own battle.

"Show yourself!" She yells. "I'm not scared of you!"

A shadow emerges from the darkness.


"Why are you doing this?" Luz asks, glaring at the 'Emperor'. 

He sighs and looks at her. "I will admit, you're a powerful witch. For a human half-blood that is." Luz's eyes widen in surprise.

"Half-blood? What are you talking about?" Belos shakes his head. "You know nothing. You have Titan blood in you, that's why you must die. You are proof of my lies."

Luz scoffs as Belos takes a step closer to her. "You deserve death."

Belos chuckles in amusement before drawing a spell circle with his hand, revealing 'Luz' and Amity fighting. Through Luz's eyes of course.

"Luz, stop! It's me, remember? I know this isn't you." Amity's eyes hold tears, and it breaks Luz's heart.

"Stop." Belos smirks beneath his mask, and everything stops.

"What do you want? I'll do anything, just don't hurt Amity." 

"Very well."

Suddenly, Luz is back in her own body. She falls to the ground wheezing with her hand on her throat.

Something was choking her.

"A-Amity. Get away from here. Don't come back. Just go."

Amity runs over to Luz and holds her head in her hands, looking at her with worried eyes.

"Amity. Go," Luz demands. "No, I'm not leaving you!" Luz lifts her hand up and placing it on Amity's face, forcing a smile on her own.

"It's okay. I'll be okay."

With tears streaming down her face, Amity kisses Luz for possibly the last time, before running off into the woods.

Luz's vision goes black.

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