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Belos places the owl-shaped mask on Luz's face, a smirk set beneath his own as the mask does it's job. Controlling her.

That's what he built the mask for. He now had full control over the human. Nothing could stop him now. He has control of the half blood, the most powerful witch anyone could ever ask for.

"Bow down to me, human." Luz does as told and gets on one knee, her face holds no emotion as she stares at the floor, waiting for her next orders.

"Find the Owl Lady and her sister. Get the Blight child, too."

"Yes, my lord." Luz stands up and leaves the room without another word to the Emperor.


"We'll just have to come up with another plan, Edalyn," Lilith says, her voice laces with worry. "We'll get Luz back. We have our glyphs." Eda shakes her head and continues pacing the room.

"No, Lilith. Belos is much more powerful than some... glyphs. He'll easily over power us. Luz is as good as dead."

Amity's eyes widen. "You don't mean, that, right?" Amity asks, tears threatening to spill from the corners of her eyes as she stares at Eda, her mouth open.

"I'm sorry, kid. But it's true. We don't know what Belos will do with her. He'll probably find a better way to control her. A way where we can't free her or anything."

A knock at the door is heard, and Lilith leaves the living room and opens the front door, her eyes widening as she spots a package sitting on the doorstep.

"Eda, did you order a package?" Lilith asks, turning around to face her sister. 

Eda stops pacing and looks at her, her eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. "No..?" She walks over to stand beside Lilith, her eyes widening as she steps back.

"Lilith, get away from the door-"

To late.

The package explodes, immediately knocking Lilith out. She falls to the floor with a thud, leaving Amity and Eda staring at her unconcious body.

Luz steps through the door, a smirk set on the uncovered part of her face.

"Hello, Eda. Hello, Amity." Luz says, venom lacing her voice at the second name.

"What have you done with Luz?" Eda steps forward, her face hardening as she stares at the monster Belos created.

With one swift movement, Eda is also knocked out cold.

Luz looks at Amity, a smile replacing her evil smirk.

She takes a few steps forward, only stopping once she stands in front of the green-haired witch.

"Good night, mi amor."

Luz evil smile is the last thing Amity sees before Luz knocks her out, her body falling to the floor.

A Human In The Emperor's CovenWhere stories live. Discover now