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TW: Needles, lots of blood in this chapter, and the ones after. There will be multiple useless pieces of shits in these next few chapters. (I know I shouldn't be joking when naming the trigger warnings but I just had to)

3rd person:

There Luz was. Sitting there, on the cold, hard floor. Needles stuck in her bicep, her skin a pale color, like Amity's, instead of it's warm brown it used to be.

"Luz.." The words slip past her lips as a tear falls down her cheek.

Luckily her mask covers it as she walks to the guards in front of her door.

"I've come to see the... traitor." The guards nod and open the door for Amity.

As soon as the heavy door slams shut behind her, Amity runs over to Luz, cradling her limp head in her hands.

"Luz.. come on, wake up," Amity begs, more tears falling from her eyes and onto Luz's clothes.

Luz's eyes flutter open and she smiles at Amity.

"So now you've realized... who I am." Even her voice sounds weak. 

Amity puts her hand on Luz's cheek, her skin color matching Luz's.

"You shouldn't be joking, you're dying." Luz laughs in response, then coughs. "You're funny, Amity. I know I'm dying. But that's okay. Everyone would be just fine without me."

"N-No, no no. I wouldn't." Luz shakes her head. "Yeah you would. You hate me, remember?"

Amity's eyes widen. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Didn't mean it because I'm Luz," she interrupts. "I know."

"Why would you do that? For so long. You let me almost kill you."

 "Yeah, I did that didn't I?" Luz giggles. Amity shakes her head. "I'm going to give you your blood back, then I'm getting you out of here."

Amity does as she said she would, and waits until all of Luz's blood is back in her system.

"There you go."

Luz stands up and her legs wobble for a moment before she gains her balance.

Amity summons an abomination and it breaks the wall, a massive gust of wind coming into the room.

Luz and Amity mount their staffs, taking off into the sky.

The two rode mostly peacefully. That was, until Luz passed out.

Her staff dips down in the air, hurtling towards the ground.

Amity gasps and follows Luz, falling through the air after her. 

But she was too late.

Luz falls off of her staff, and tumbles through the air, hitting the ground with a thud, her staff landing safely beside her.

Amity lands next to her and sees Luz's leg bent at an odd angle.

Amity looks around, seeing they were just outside the Owl House. She runs to the door, knocking a few times before it opens.

"Oh, it's you. Are you here to capture me again?" Eda crosses her arms and glares at Amity.

"No, Belos tried to kill Luz and I helped her escape. And she fell off her staff and now I think her leg is broken."

Eda eyes widen as she follows Amity over to Luz's unconscious body.

Picking her up, she takes Luz back into the Owl House, Amity following.

"Her leg is broken, but I can fix it with a healing spell."

Amity nods. "Then do it."

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