A 'Faitfull' start

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Full body Drawing made by LeafyK07

"..." = Fate talking to the reader.
'...' = Thought/ What somebody is thinking.

(Fate's PoV)

Well Hello there Everybody. Nice of you to join me. Let Me itroduce myself im fate, but i go by many names. Bit you call me by the same name everybody knows me under 'Kathrin Spark'.

Ironic huh? Spark like the heart and sole of a cybertronian.

To tell you all the truth, 'Fate' is more than just my name. Its what i am.

Now then whit the interduction out of the way, i think school should end in





Welp guess i might talk to yall later. Feel free to ask me anything. I might even ask others stuff for you.


"Hey Kathrin. OVER HERE!" yelled the energetic teen.

I walk over to her holding a book close to my chest.

"Hi miko" I greeded back smiling softly noting jack and raf standing behind her looking nerves.

'Why did Miko need to tell Kathrin to hangout whit us rightafter school. She Knows our guardians will be there to watch, Right?! What if She sees them?! We cant drag her into this!" Jack though franticly.

I could only snicker hearing his toughts. He was ofcourse right in thinking something would happen. But i wouldn't tell him that.

Dont want to draw too much Attention afterall.

"Hi guys" i said innocently waving at jack and raf.

"Hi" "Hi Kathrin" the two boys greeted back hesitantly.

I gave them a quick nod, since my mouth, nose and throat are covered by a Galaxy-Print mask, to hide my sharper teeth and the slit in my throat.

I look at there 'rides' from the corner of my left eye do to the right being covered well under my waist long, ginger hair.

'Why dosnt miko just drag her to the nearest energon mine, why hope that something will happen at the park or while shes just driving whit us?' Bulkhead thought.

'I hope jack knows this is a bad idea! I mean, what if shes a decepticon spy!?!' Arcee worried.

':.New Friend, new Friend, NEW FRIEND.:' Bumblebee chanted internally in excitement.

I couldn't help but chuckel to myself quietly at there thougts.

Ofcourse the three autobots noticed right away.

They all turned there mirrors to look at me, me tensing slightly at the sudden stares.

"So we all ready to head to the park." I asked quickly. Starting to feel uncomfortable.

Jack and raf were a little confused by my sudden eagerness to to get going.

'Scrap, scrap, scrap, SCRAP!,

I just stood there looking anywhere but the three disguised Cybertronians.


Befor i could even reply, miko was allready pushing me to bulkhead who quickly activated his hollowform.

Miko opened the backdoor and pushed me into backseat, befor closing it and jumping into the front.

I just buckeld up and buried my face in my book to read some.


The Drive was very awkward.
Bulkhead or 'Brook' kept trying to start a conversation, which miko was enthusiastic to help whit.

Meanwhile i was sitting there only giving the ever so slight shrug as awnsers to his questions.

To say the least bulk was trying his best to get me to open up.

What he didnt know, was that i wasn't all there. I was using the book to check if anything in there fate changed.

Even if i am fate, doesn't mean i write it all by hand.
Im am more of a inforcer. Making sure that everything ends a specific way.

For example Primus death. It was allways meant to happen.
Just as its Fate for him to be brought back.

Currently im reading over bulkhead's and miko's Fates.
I would just read my own, but sadly that wouldn't work.

All i see when looking at my own Fate are blank pages. If it means that i just don't have one, or have to write my own nobody knows.

Apperently thoug i haven't messed up to bad since the writing didnt change much.

Just then i noticed bulkhead looking at me whit concern, finally snapped out of my daze as i saw him talking.

Quickly i tuned back into the conversation while looking at him.

"Huh?" I asked still trying to figure out what happened while i was distracted.

"I asked if you were ok. This whole situation seems to have shocked you a littel too much." Bulkhead said expecting a bigger responce.

I just tilted my head in confusion.

Miko groned realising i had zoned out while everything happend.

Bulkhead was realy worried now.

'Did she hit her head during the drive? I have get her to Ratchet quickly!'

Just then he commed said medic.

"Uhhh... Hey Ratchet." Bulkhead greeded.

"What is it bulkhead. Im busy!" Ratchet Answered, sounding annoyed.

"There might be a injured human in my backseat, Hehehe" Said bulkhead nervously as miko, explained what happend while i was zoned out.

"Did miko get hurt doing something stupied?" Ratchet asked Tiredly

"Hey! No! And Kat isn't injured. She just zoned out during the drive" Miko said trying to avoid the medic examening me once we make it it to base.

"YOU GOT SEEN BY A NOTHER HUMAN! Primus how many more do i have to babysit." Miko and myself winced when Ratched yelled.

"Calm down. It was an accident, we were just driving to the park when we got ambushed by vehicons! We didn't mean to drag the kids friend into this." Bulkhead tried calming down the fuming medic.

"Speak for yourself. Her being a part of this now is so Punkrock!" Miko exclaimed.

"Miko" i tryed calling out to my energetic friend.

"LIKE, IMAGINE ALL THE STUFF WE CAN DO." Miko kept shouting.

I just cant take her yelling anymore, i need a break.

"MIKO" It came out like a snarl, finally getting mikos full attention.

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