Chaos in the Lab

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(Shockwaves PoV)

"May i assume that the more organic Predacon in your Servos is our dear Princess?"

Soundwave gave me a quick nod.

I pointed to a free worktable where i could scan and Examen her, whit no harm coming to her ofcourse.

"You may place her down over there"

I got all the tools i needed and went over to the young Predacon, who i am quiet uncertain of there chemical compounds.

I walked over to the two whit our dear Princess Hissing as soon as her organic optics landed on me, shining a purple colour.

It was the Perfect Combination between Both her sire's Optics, it was rather Illogical, considering she's adopted so to say.

I shake my helm and Place down my tool, it would be most logical if i first find some way to calm her.

Examining her would be quite Illogical while she's in a state of panik.

"Do calm yourself, your Panic and aggression are Illogical"

"HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" She responded whit her animalistic Hissing as usual.

"Your Hissing is illogical, i am well aware of your ability to speak."

I felt a light tap on my shoulder pad and turn to see the blank visor of soundwave.

"Yes Soundwave? Do you perhaps have a Method of calming our lords dear sparkling?"

He nods before taking out a cube of Energon, placing it next to her and taking of the lid.

I watch in anticipation as she suddenly grows quiet before padding over to the cube, sniffing it before starting to lap at the Liquid.

"This is most fascinating, Soundwave"

I stated while continuing to observe the young spawn of our lord, finally activating the scanner to make quick work on finding out her current health status.

But as soon as it started the scan it broke, illogically so, considering it displayed signs of physical Contact.

"Hiss" I heard the Young Princess, it being logical that she was aware of my attempt.

Just then she seems to start convulsing where she stood, until i noticed the quiet noise of the air escaping her in in small Huff's.

At first i was rather confused until i realised what she was doing,


The young princess was Laughing, though i cannot seem to find the reason behind the current action, it is quiet a change of demeanor twords me.

"Your Amusement is rather Illogical"

As if trying to test my patience she stuck out her glossa at me, seemingly feeling playful at the moment.

I went to grab them carefully as they suddenly jumped away, onto a nearby table holding beckers filled with various chemicals.

"Do not go there little one, it is not safe for you to be there!"

I went to grab them but they jumped again making me knock some of the beckers onto the floor.

(3rd PoV)

As young fate continued jumping around the lab more and more thing got knocked of the tables and shelves.

Mostly because no matter where she jumped to the One opticed Scientist would follow, reaching out to grab her.

Or at least trying to get her.

Every few seconds she let out a playful sequel of joy, at the Chaos and Distrocton that seemed to follow her path.

Shockwave was soon covered in glasshards, chemicals and other subtences as he crashed straig into a Testtube that young Fate had claimed to be a nice stop to the chase, not expecting the scientist to come crashing into it helm first.

Though she couldn't help the snort of amusement that left her, finding it one of the most amusing things in all her lifetimes.

As shockwave got up, glass shard's raining down around him he glared up at her curious and amused Eyes, shining whit joy and excitement. He was about to say something when a quiet yawn came from her as she curled into a small ball on top of the now broken test tube, sleeping peacefully.

He let out a puff of air as he picked her up into his grasp, antennas lowered Dangerously and pressed tightly to the side of his helm.

"We shall have to attempt the examination another cycle, after i have repaired the damages to my lab. I suggest bringing her to our lord so they may Recharge together." The One opticed Scientist stated in his monotone voice as Soundwave carefully took the sleeping shadow.

He nodded at the scientist before walking out to find his master, to return his Spawn to him.

As soundwave made his way through the halls he used the cameras to check if his lord has on the bridge.

When he could not find him on the  cameras he quickly went to Lord Megatron's room and knocked.

"Come in" The warlord commanded.

When he saw soundwave holding his sparkling, he carefully took him in his arms instead.

"So what results did Shockwaves examination deliver?" The Warlord asked, being careful not to wake his sleeping spawn.

Soundwave just showed what the security cameras had recorded making the Warlord laugh.

"So i presume that there is no information available to us yet?" He asked still amused by his sparkling rebellious and playful behaviour.

Soundwave shock his helm signaling that there was indeed no information available.

"Hmmmm, very well, you are free to go Soundwave." Whit that Soundwave left the room and Went down to his own chambers, leaving Fate to her Sire.

Megatron quietly laid down on his berth, placing her on top of his Chassis, Right ontop of were his spark chamber was located, making sure she was comfortable before draping his clawed servo over her small form felling her shift slightly.

Her Tail Wrapped around his Wrist holding it tightly in place, making the warlord Chuckle.

As soon as he had assured himself that she would not wake he offline his optics, Falling into a deep recharge.

(Fate's PoV)

I opened my eyes and looked around, finding herself in an all to familiar Dark Void, Small white glowing Cracks still showing.


And that is a nother chapter done, that you guys so much for over 400 readers, i didn't expect to get this far.

Updates might be slow for a while bit ill try to get a nother chapter out soon, might be shorter though.

Have Nice Day/Night dear readers.

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