Old Friends

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Fate opened her eyes, letting them ajust to the darkness surrounding her.

For the first few minutes the only source of lighth was that given of by here eyes.

One eye was a Electric blue pulsing whit hope, while the second was a menacing dark purple pulsing whit power.

On her head appeared a pair of fox ears, and near rear swaid a matching tail.

Here arm and legs where covered in Reptail scales whit the tip, of her fingers turning into claws.

From her back sprouted a pair of larg angel like wings, one was black and the other white. The tips of the white wing being the same blue as her one eye, while the other wings tips matcher her purple eye.

Fate started to look around knowing that all she needed was to look for a pair of glowing eyes, or two.

She sat down knowing they would appear as soon as they noticed her presence.

Just then Faint sounds of to Cybertronian Mechs arguing could be heard, drawing a light-hearted chuckel form the girl.

Fate got up and started flying twords the sound as quietly as possible, getting close enough to see both of them.

She grinned mischieviesly knowing the two fighting Brother, know as Primus and Unicron, had yet to notice her hovering a few feet away to her smaller size.

"AND WHY SHOULDN'T I HAVE?! SHE'S BEEN WHITOUT ANYBODY FOR FAR TO LONG!" Primus argued whit his darker half.


Fate had tuned out of the argument from the start not wanting any part in it.

She got behind Unicron and placed her small (in comperesen) hand on his Backstrucktur befor quickly teleporting and doing the same to Primus.

Said mechs froze for a good bit befor looking around, searching for the small trickster.

She took the moment and Teleported between the two, still flying in place, cause both to yelp once the turned to face eachother once more.

"IN THE NAME OF THE CREATOR FATE, DONT DO THAT!" Roared out Unicron, as primus was trying to catch his none existened breath.

"How is it that you still allmost give us spark attacks, everytime you show up. And why?!" Primus said looking rather defited, at the Tiny Terror flying infront of him. Grinning like and idiot.

"How come you told the prime i needed a 'Sire'." Fate shot back teasingly, looking at the Cybertronian god.

"You read his mind didn't you Fate!" Accused the Cybertronian Devil.

Primus just glared at his brother, before continuing to address the living Bomb that was Fate.

She just rolled her eyes.

They both knew enough of her 'Tricks' to be Careful with what the think when in her presence.

"Ofcourse i did 'Cron. What else am i supposed to do when stuck in a 'time out' on a giant metal desk!" Fate Snorted, just as confused as her 'Uncle Cron'.

He snorted at her comment befor rolling his Purple Optics.

Sadly Fate's 'Uncle Pri' Wasn't as amused by the situation, as his brother and Fate.

"You can not fight on your own forever Fate, and you know this. At least you should whit how long you've been around!" Primus reasoned whit the timeless girl.

Fate just glared, she knew he was trying to help and had a good point. Sadly old scare heal hard.

She knew she could try to change his mind, but it wouldn't help.

"Even if i except the Optimus as my 'Sire' i cant just have one parental unit. It would be unbalanced. It wouldn't help." Fate deflected her Uncles comment, stating a point both Cybertronian god knew was valid.

Unicron allready expected this thoug, having an 'easy' fix for the problem. Grinning darkly at the thought.

"Oh but my dear Fate, who ever said my brother's Prime would be your only Sire~" Unicron practically purred tword the small ginger, while grinning at his brother.

Fate raised an eyebrow, she could see there was a catch.

"And who would the other mech be?" Fate asked carefully.

"Unicron No, we talked about this. ITS A BAD IDEA!" Primus whisper yelled at Unicron. Hoping Fate wouldn't hear, sadly animal ears hear a lot better.

"Who is IT" Fate asked irritated, A stray Ball of energy nearly taking the brothers heads off.

Primus just sighed as Unicron smirked.

"Why Megatrounus ofcourse!"
Unicron stated in glee.

Fate took a deep breath, trying to stay calm.

It didnt work.

"You put the leaders of BOTH FACTIONS AS MY SIRES?! DO YOU KNOW JUST HOW MUCH THIS COULD DAMAGE THE FATE OF THIS TIMELINE!!! IT COULD END IN LITTERLY THE END OF THE WORLD! HELL THE INTIERE UNIVERSE!". Fate yelled in rage whit the black void surrounding them, slowly starting to crack whit white light shining through them.

Primus took a quick step back, while Unicron moved closer holding a human sized cubed of a green glowing Liquid.

He caughed into his servo to get her attention.

And he did, kinda.

"WHAT!" Fate Roared at the mech.

Unicron just held out his Servo for her to land on.

She reluctantly landed on ot and got the cube shoved into her arms, as Unicron placed her in his shoulderpad to sit.

A mumbled 'Thanks' came from her, as she started drinking the green glowing Liquid.

Primus stepped closer avoiding a crack in the floor.

"Brother... Did you just calm her whit a cube of Synthetic Energon?" Primus asked both confused and shoocked.

Unicron just nodded whit a evil grin.

Fate responded to his evil grin, whit an empty cube to side of the helm.

"I should go back, befor there are any more, inconvenience, to deal whit.
But dont you dare think this conversation is over!" Fate stated. Her Uncles just just nodding, trying to avoid a nother tantrum.

(Fate's PoV)

I opened my eyes, finding I've been moved to the top a high shelf.

The room was empty thoug.

'Ratchet must be back in the Mainroom'.

I teleport up to a ventilation shaft in the top corner.

I started walking around in the vents, looking for the right room.

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